So, employers, how is your company planning to build its data engineering and data science capability? Planning on finding a data science unicorn to do it all? Good luck with that. What about the possibility of taking people already in your organization, people that know your business, people that you know fit into your culture, and invest in their future.
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Topics: Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science
We recently spoke with Shruti Sharma, a NSS Cohort 6 Web Development Bootcamp grad, who will be returning to NSS this fall to attend our Data Science Bootcamp. We asked her all the tough questions, like why does a postdoc leave academia to become a software engineer? And why would they choose to attend a vocational school?
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Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science
When we were talking to working data scientists and data engineers here in Nashville about designing a data science program there were several things that people consistently identified as being important if we were going to familiarize students with what it is like to work in a real data analytics/data science job. One of the things we heard was that Data Science in the real world is messy because the real world is messy. Data in the real world is never clean and/or complete and/or consistent or any of the other things it needs to be for our modeling techniques or predictive techniques to work. Based on the input we received, we have designed into our curriculum and projects the idea that we need to teach the entire data science process, not just the fun/cool machine learning and statistical modeling pieces of the process.
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Topics: News, Analytics + Data Science
We’re wrapping up two exciting days at the Nashville Analytics Summit where we had the opportunity to talk with several prospective students and community members about the launch of our Data Science Bootcamp in October. If you’re not on our Data Science newsletter, let’s catch you up on the latest. We received the final program approval from the TN Higher Education Commission on Thursday, 27 July. Now that we have approval, we can begin to actively market the program, take applications from interested students, and lock in the start dates for the program.
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Topics: Student Stories, News, Analytics + Data Science
We all know that software technology is constantly evolving. This evolution drives change in which technologies are used in Nashville, how technologies are leveraged by employers, and what skills and knowledge are needed in new tech talent. We try to monitor those changes in Nashville’s tech talent demand. We also try to collaborate with employers and working professionals to identify opportunities to help meet changing needs through training. Based on our conversations over the past two or three years we have identified two new programs that are planned for launch later this year.
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Topics: Hiring?, News, Community, UI/UX, Analytics + Data Science