Does Adding Lanes Decrease Traffic Congestion? | Discover Through Data
Feb 27, 2020
As Nashville’s population continues to grow, traffic congestion has become a big concern for those who commute into the city. For her mid-course capstone, Data Science Cohort 3 student Dalila Paquiot analyzed traffic congestion on I-65. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Front-end Web Design/Development Cohort Teams Up With The Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition To Test App Idea
Feb 26, 2020
There are over 14,000 immigrants in Davidson County and 2,000 - 3,000 of them are ready to become a naturalized citizen of the United States, but many of them are intimidated by the process. Our Front-end Web Design/Development cohort took on the challenge presented by the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) to create an app to connect immigrants to mentors to help them through the naturalization process. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community, UI/UX, Web Development

Improving Experiences | Graduate Spotlight
Feb 25, 2020
As a teenager, Sage Klein learned to code by building celebrity fan websites on Geocities. When she was ready for a career change, Sage decided to turn her passion from her youth into her next career. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, UI/UX, Web Development

What Keeps La Liga Soccer Teams On Top | Discovery Through Data
Feb 19, 2020
Data science has given sports teams, and their fans, new ways to analyze their performance and make better decisions for the future success of the team. For his midcourse project, Cohort 3 Data Science Bootcamp student Dibran Rexhepi dug into the data and delivered valuable insights on La Liga (Spanish soccer) league. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

1,000 Graduates | NSS Reaches New Milestone
Feb 18, 2020
It’s incredible to me that we just graduated our 1000th graduate from Nashville Software School. We graduated number 1000, and a whole bunch more, last Friday, February 14 (yes, that’s right, Valentine’s Day!).  We started Valentine’s Day with 995 graduates, by 1 pm we were up to 1036 graduates. Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

Measles: A Look At Vaccination Rates | Discovery Through Data
Feb 12, 2020
For those without a measles vaccine, a nearby cough or a sneeze is anything but harmless. Those most vulnerable to this highly contagious virus are children under 5 years of age. If infected, they are at risk of pneumonia, brain damage, hearing loss, and even death. In his Data Science mid-course project, Ryan Craven explored the relationship between vaccination rates, measles case counts, and healthcare expenditures. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science

For Every Problem, Many Solutions | Graduate Spotlight
Feb 7, 2020
In a town full of talent, Nashville Software School (NSS) has turned more than a few musicians into software developers. The latest among them: Noah Bartfield. The Berklee College of Music graduate spent years as a songwriter and artist in LA and Nashville. Seeking a new path, he tried out software development and was hooked. Read More
Applications To Bring People Together | Graduate Spotlight
Feb 5, 2020
It didn’t take a classroom for Curtis Crutchfield to start learning software development. At 16, armed only with a computer and a book on game programming in Visual Basic, Curtis attempted to build his first video game. After graduating from college and being an accounting coordinator for three years, Curtis was ready for a change and programming was calling his name. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development