Make A Difference Through Code | Graduate Spotlight
May 27, 2020
After completing the Front-end Web Designer/Developer bootcamp at NSS, Taylor Carroll decided he also wanted the full stack experience and joined Cohort 37’s back-end portion. Now a full stack web designer/developer, Taylor is ready to create positive user experiences on both the front-end and back-end sides of an application. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Grow Where You Are | Graduate Spotlight
May 21, 2020
After 10+ years in the music industry, Shawna Chatfield of Web Development Cohort 36 was ready for a career that challenged her personally and encouraged growth professionally. She started to research careers in tech, specifically web development, which led her to an NSS General Info Session. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

How Is Everyone Feeling About Returning To In-person Classes?
May 20, 2020
Given all this uncertainty, how does NSS decide when and how to reopen? How do we judge when it’s safe to ask 30 people to sit shoulder to shoulder in a classroom for six or seven hours a day? To help us measure attitudes and sentiment, we took the first of several surveys of continuing students and of all staff last week. Read More
Take Control of Your Future | Graduate Spotlight
May 18, 2020
After years of hearing his sister Brenda, an instructor at NSS, share stories of students’ successes, John was ready for a change himself. “I have always loved solving problems and learning new things. Web development has opened pathways for this that I could never have imagined.” Now a full stack developer, John Long is ready to start his new career and is excited to keep learning! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

From Deployment to Development | Graduate Spotlight
May 13, 2020
Prior to NSS, Michelle Johnson of Web Development Cohort 36 was working on her MBA and serving in the Air National Guard as an Avionics Technician on C-130H Aircrafts when she decided to bring her knack for fixing things to solve problems with software. Now a full-stack developer, she is ready for her first job in tech! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

New City, New Skills, New Opportunities | Graduate Spotlight
May 11, 2020
James Chapman of Web Development Cohort 36 was looking for a career shift when he discovered a passion for coding. This passion led him to Nashville, 800 miles away, where he could learn the skills required to become a full stack developer. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

The Call to Code | Graduate Spotlight
May 6, 2020
Lauren Riddle of Cohort 36 always knew she wanted to work in the tech industry. After completing an Associate’s Degree in Computer Information Technology, she decided to focus on learning to code at Nashville Software School. Now a full stack developer, she is ready for her first job in the tech industry! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development