Always a bright and energizing force in his group projects, Douglas Torres’ passion for data shines when he’s digging his way to the answers. Prior to joining the Data Analytics Bootcamp at Nashville Software School (NSS), he worked in sales and then for a family-owned tax company as an administrative assistant. In that role, he taught himself how to use Excel to analyze company data and expedite reporting. Yearning to build on his analytics experience and advance his career, he found that NSS was the right next step for him.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
We graduated 215 new web developers and data scientists this year! Each one of them had their own unique journey that led them to NSS and we could not be more proud of the work they’re doing in companies all across Middle Tennessee (and a few beyond). Here are some of their reflections on how their lives have changed in 2019.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science,
Web Development
During the last weekend of October, the ghosts and goblins – I mean students and alumni – invaded Nashville Software School (NSS) for Hack-o-ween, our second student/alumni hackathon. Over 50 web developers and data scientists worked throughout the weekend to reach MVP on five different projects.
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Analytics + Data Science,
Web Development
I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t have an opinion about scooters in Nashville. So when Peter Bird, Active Transportation Planner for the Metropolitan Nashville Government, refers to himself as one of the most polarizing figures in city government it is clear that he is only half-joking. Peter Bird visited Data Analytics Cohort 1 last month to frame the analysis question using Nashville's scooter data for the class’s first team Python project. Learn what they discovered through analyzing the data.
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Analytics + Data Science
Congratulations to our friends at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training (BRET) on their 2019 AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) Innovations in Research and Research Education Award second prize award for their Data Science Essentials program.
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Analytics + Data Science
The first Data Analytics cohort wrapped up their study of Excel this month which included a project using city cemetery data from Nashville’s Open Data Portal to create charts that could be used on a website or in printed materials to create interest in the Nashville City Cemetery.
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Analytics + Data Science
Andrew Marsee first became interested in programming in college and found himself gravitating towards classes where he could program. As a mechanical engineer for an engineering consulting firm in Cincinnati, he continued to seek out ways to program whenever he could and spent his free-time studying machine learning. When his job circumstances changed, he jumped at the opportunity to move back to Nashville and learn data science in a structured environment.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
After learning of Nashville Software School's (NSS) data science bootcamp, Selam chose bootcamp over graduate school. She did not have any coding experience prior to attending NSS, but embraced the learning process and found the environment to be supportive and encouraging.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
From the beginning, students in our data science classes have worked on projects with companies that have shared data (either company data or public data) and one or more questions their business would like to have answered by that data. This provides a tremendous experience, whereby our students get exposed to data from a variety of domains while working to answer questions that would provide real value. Learn how you can provide data or a data question for our analytics and data science bootcamps.
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Analytics + Data Science
We have a lot of visually creative alumni that have lent their talents to NSS over the years, so when we needed a new t-shirt design for our data science program, we knew where to turn. Rather than select a single alum to design a shirt, we held a little design contest. See the winning design.
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Analytics + Data Science