Do You Have A Data Question That Needs Analysis?
May 22, 2019
From the beginning, students in our data science classes have worked on projects with companies that have shared data (either company data or public data) and one or more questions their business would like to have answered by that data. This provides a tremendous experience, whereby our students get exposed to data from a variety of domains while working to answer questions that would provide real value. Learn how you can provide data or a data question for our analytics and data science bootcamps. Read More

Topics: Learning, Community, Analytics + Data Science

Behind The Design: Data Science T-shirt
May 21, 2019
We have a lot of visually creative alumni that have lent their talents to NSS over the years, so when we needed a new t-shirt design for our data science program, we knew where to turn. Rather than select a single alum to design a shirt, we held a little design contest. See the winning design. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Analytics + Data Science

Do You Need A Ph.D. To Become A Data Scientist?
Apr 18, 2019
In an article titled Why Does A PhD Hurt You?, Lindsey Morris, Director of Data Science & Analytics at axialHealthcare and supporter of Nashville Software School (NSS), looked at the skills acquired when working toward a Ph.D. degree that are valuable for data scientists and those skills that post-docs may not have had an opportunity to acquire. Read More

Topics: Community, Analytics + Data Science

Does Having Insurance Affect The Chances Of An Early Cancer Diagnosis? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 26, 2019
Early diagnosis is key for surviving cancer. For his mid-course Data Science capstone project, Ashutosh Singhal explored how health insurance status and the type of health insurance affect at what stage cancer is diagnosed. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science

Does Climate Change Have An Impact On Economies? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 20, 2019
Climate change has been a hot topic for over a decade. Researchers have continued to alert the public about the long-term dangers of rising sea temperatures, an increase in extreme weather events, and even the climate’s impact on the economy. Despite their warnings, there is still sizable opposition to the dangers of climate change. Since the opposition’s opinion is rarely swayed by ecological impacts, Jerry Igiozee wanted to explore the economic impacts of climate change. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science

Data Science Students Compete in Kaggle Competition
Mar 12, 2019
Kaggle creates a community to promote learning from others and provides a platform for practicing machine learning. Students in Data Science Cohort 2 recently competed in an Earthquake Prediction competition on Kaggle sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Does Phthalate Metabolite Concentration Differ Among Population Groups? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 5, 2019
UrLeaka Newsome’s midcourse capstone project was inspired by a podcast where the guest drew a comparison between consumer spending on health and beauty aid products and health disparities for certain population groups. She explored this claim and learned that research has found a connection between phthalate metabolites and obesity, reproductive and developmental disease, and disorders. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science

How Do Topics Compare Between The Russian And English-speaking Stack Overflow Communities | Discovery Through Data
Feb 26, 2019
As a frequent user of both the English version of Stack Overflow and it’s Russian counterpart, Sergey Motorny was curious to see if there were any trends when comparing tags between the English and Russian language versions of Stack Overflow. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science

Do Rest Days Affect The Outcomes of NBA Games? | Discovery Through Data
Feb 19, 2019
Over the past couple of decades, sports teams have come to embrace data analytics, including the NBA. As a fan of basketball, Andrew Marsee has been intrigued by the use of analytics in team personnel decisions and in-game strategies and decided to do some analysis of his own for his Data Science mid-course project. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science

What is the Difference Between Data Analytics And Data Science?
Feb 6, 2019
Both data analysts and data scientists are concerned with generating insights from data, and both use tools to explore and understand data, but do you know how they differ? Learn how the past, present, and future separate data analytics from data science. Read More

Topics: Analytics + Data Science