Analytics + Data Science Launch Data Visualization Competition
Dec 30, 2020
Last month we launched a data visualization competition for all of our current Analytics + Data Science students and data Seekers. The competition encourages students and Seekers to practice their coding skills, learn more about visualization tools, and work on data storytelling. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science

Analyzing Nashville’s Coronavirus Data
Data generated from the COVID-19 pandemic has captured our collective attention for most of this year, and in November two of our classes – Data Science Cohort 4 (DS4) and Data Analytics Cohort 3 (DA3) – worked on separate projects to answer several pandemic related questions. Read about their findings and see how both cohorts practiced their visualization skills while working on timely data questions. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science

The Process of Beginning A New Career in Data Analytics | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 30, 2020
Around the time Lori Butler left her previous position in accounting and payroll managing, her husband also began making a career transition. That’s when they discovered Nashville Software School. After a 3 month job search, Lori is joining HealthStream as a Process Analyst. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

The 2020 Analytics Summit Embraces The Virtual Experience
Sep 24, 2020
The buzz from this year’s Analytics Summit is still lingering in the virtual halls of NSS. On Monday and Tuesday, many of our Analytics + Data Science students had the opportunity to attend The Analytics Summit and learn more about data and the career paths they have chosen. Read More

Topics: News, Community, Analytics + Data Science

Data Analytics SQL Challenge
Sep 1, 2020
Full-time Data Analytics Cohort 1...The challenge, should you choose to accept it: Complete a series of SQL exercises and achieve a kyu rating of 6 or less and receive a free lunch on your instructor. Free lunch? Challenge Accepted! Find out how Full-time Data Analytics Cohort 1 did with this challenge. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Reflections On The First Full-time Data Analytics Cohort
Aug 24, 2020
Analytics + Data Science Program Manager and Instructor, Mary van Valkenburg reflects on the time she shared with the students in the first-ever Full-time Data Analytics class. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Stories That Impact Decision Making  | Graduate Spotlight
Aug 3, 2020
After 30 years of work in film and television, David Mellow was ready for a steadier, more impactful career. When David discovered NSS had a part-time Data Analytics Bootcamp that would allow him to continue working while taking classes, he applied to Part-time Data Analytics Cohort 2 and started his journey toward his new career. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science

Finding The Right Streaming Service | Graduate Spotlight
Jul 28, 2020
As a part of NSS’s first full-time Data Analytics cohort, Diego Alvarez shared that his favorite part of bootcamp was learning the new technologies and specific skills and tools currently used in the industry. Since graduating Diego continues to practice and learn new skills with Codewars challenges and online courses while he searches for a job to apply his new analytical skills! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science

Storytelling with Data Analytics  | Graduate Spotlight
Jul 20, 2020
After discovering the information design work of Edward Tufte and the Nielsen Norman Group, Landry Butler found an interest in telling stories through data. He decided to pursue a career in data analytics and applied for the Part-time Data Analytics bootcamp at NSS. Now graduated, Landry is excited about the possibility to get back into a career in the healthcare field and help solve issues by telling stories with data analytics. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science

Analyzing the Impact of Quarantine | Graduate Spotlight
Jul 13, 2020
The move to online classes half-way through bootcamp didn't slow down Alan Brunlinger, in fact it inspired his capstone project. Alan explored the effects that quarantine has had on the lifestyle of his fellow Nashville tech community members. Learn about his findings. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science