Making It To Google | Paulo G. Martinez, Data Science Cohort 1
Apr 21, 2021
Paulo G. Martinez of Data Science Cohort 1 catches us up on what he’s been up to since graduating, how NSS prepared him for his new career, what helped him land his job at Google. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Analytics + Data Science

Kaggle Competition Aids In Machine Learning Practice
Apr 7, 2021
Students in Data Science Cohort 4 have recently been studying machine learning, and to practice what they’ve been learning they took part in a competition hosted on For our competition, the student groups were tasked with building a model to predict the permeability, or ease of fluid flow, through synthetic microstructures. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning, Analytics + Data Science

How Do Refugee Resettlement Communities Differ? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 30, 2021
Building on her dissertation work at Vanderbilt University, Oluchi Randolph of Data Science Cohort 4 chose to explore perspectives on the immigrant integration process in the United States for her mid-course capstone project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Data Science Cohort 4 Gives “The Best Presentation I've Ever Seen”
Mar 17, 2021
Mikil Taylor, VP of Analytics at Healthcare Bluebook, gave high praise on LinkedIn for the presentation he witnessed last week given by Nashville Software School’s Data Science Cohort 4. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

NSS: The Online Experience | Mia Soza And Dez Brooks
Mar 16, 2021
We caught up with Full-time Data Analytics 2 graduates Dez Brooks and Mia Soza to ask what their online experience was like at Nashville Software School. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Where Are Tennessee’s Roads Being Impacted The Most By Population Growth? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 11, 2021
Inspired by the beauty and ingenuity of the road system that helps us traverse the country, Matt Parker of Data Science Cohort 4 was interested in exploring traffic and population growth across Tennessee. Explore his Shiny app to find out what he discovered. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Where Are The Endangered Animals Located? | Discovery Through Data
Feb 25, 2021
There are more than 35,500 endangered species on the IUCN Red List. With a problem so large, how do you even know where to start finding solutions? Inspired by her time living near Mauritius, Armelle Le Guelte of Data Science Cohort 4 decided to explore endangered species through her mid-course capstone. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Black History Month: Black Americans in Congress | Data Viz Competition
Feb 23, 2021
Our January Data Viz Competition data explored Black Americans in Congress. Close out Black History Month by reading about the winner of January’s competition, Data Science Cohort 3 graduate Anamika Sharma, and the tableau dashboard she created. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Fishing for a New Career | Graduate Spotlight
Feb 22, 2021
Hallie Rubel of Full-time Data Analytics Cohort 2 shares that she has always enjoyed puzzles, strategic games and troubleshooting, so it’s easy to see why data analytics sparked her interest when she decided to make a career change. Since graduating, Hallie has been hard at work on DataCamp practicing her new skills, as well as continuing to tweak her capstone project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science

Who’s The Best Player In The NHL? | Discovery Through Data
Feb 17, 2021
The question of "who is the best player" is a subjective one, even with data. Taylor Franklin of Data Science Cohort 4 answers this question in his analysis on a few key performance metrics in his mid-course capstone project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science