The Very First Sprint | Introducing Students To Agile Development
Apr 20, 2017
Planning can be one of the most difficult practices for students to embrace at the onset of a coding bootcamp. By slowly introducing sprint methodologies and an agile development environment, we can help students start planning and executing like seasoned software developers. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning

Making The Leap From Music To Development | Graduate Spotlight
Apr 19, 2017
It’s no secret that Nashville is known as Music City. While dozens of people move here every day to pursue a career in music, some of those who have been in the industry for a while are ready for a new chapter in their life. This group of graduates all came from careers in music. They bring skills like teamwork, creativity, and problem solving under pressure...all great skills for software developers. Here are their stories. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

Living With Imposter Syndrome
Apr 17, 2017
Does Imposter Syndrome ever go away? Caitlin Stein, a junior instructor, shares how to use imposter syndrome to your advantage. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning

Web Development For Beginners | NSS Introduces A New Course
Apr 14, 2017
Are you intrigued by web development? Web Development Jumpstart is a short course that offers students an accelerated introduction to web development technologies and careers. By the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of the core web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and be able to build and deploy your own website. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, News

I Can't Do This...
Apr 12, 2017
At some point during our childhood, we’ve all been told that we can be anything we want to be when we grow up. But you need to put in the work and push through obstacles to achieve greater things. Today we hear from Gilbert Diaz, a teaching assistant, about facing failure, taking responsibility for your own future, and overcoming challenges. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning

Back To The Front | The First Week
Apr 10, 2017
My hope is that teaching best practices to novices cultivates an environment of innovation and ingenuity, and as we build increasingly more material on top of foundational principles, grants our newest software developers learning techniques that will aid them as they discover and hone their new craft. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning

Cohort 16 Wraps Up With Successful Demo Day
Mar 29, 2017
Last Friday, 23 graduates from Cohort 16 showcased their front-end and back-end capstone projects for prospective employers. The day started with the opportunity to present to their family and fellow students. By the time hiring managers started to arrive, Cohort 16 was energized and ready. Get to know these 23 graduates. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

Graduate Spotlight Thom, Bernie, Jamie & Chris
Mar 23, 2017
Many of our students attend a bootcamp as a way to change their career. Some even do so after having been successful in another field for 10-20 years. Today we catch up with our final 4 graduates of Cohort 15 and Evening 3. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

Sharing Your Knowledge At Meetups | IN THE COMMUNITY
Mar 20, 2017
Have you thought about presenting at a meetup or conference? Matt Hamil, a Cohort 15 graduate, shares his experience of presenting at two Nashville meetups and offers practical advice on how to decide on a topic and prepare for the presentation. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community, Get Involved

Graduate Spotlight | Sandy, Odigene & Matt
Mar 16, 2017
Our evening bootcamp students make big sacrifices to attend NSS. Working full time jobs during the day, they spend two evenings a week and Saturdays in the classroom. They also meet with study groups outside of class at least once a week. They give up fun and family time to pursue a new career in development, but they love the challenge of learning development and leave the program excited about their future. Read More

Topics: Student Stories