Graduate Spotlight | Zach & Edgar
Feb 1, 2017
It's been quite a journey getting to dive deeper into the various backgrounds of our graduates. As we continue through this series, we've seen overwhelming passion from these fresh software developers for their new careers, for specific technologies and for the opportunities to enhance the lives of others with their new skills. Today we meet Zach and Edgar. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

Graduate Spotlight | Casey, Debbie & David
Jan 25, 2017
One of the common themes for all of the graduates we have spoken to for these spotlights are that they wanted to challenge themselves. This next group has an especially unique set of challenges they faced, from newborns to reframing their psyches. Seriously, newborns. But they've all overcome the rigor of their tenure here and are on the other side as full-stack junior developers. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

Can you Hear Me Now?
Jan 23, 2017
We've made some exciting new additions to the Hackery, our large co-working and event room at NSS. The additions are "functional art" (is that a real thing?) in the form of a dozen sound panels to help reduce the sound level in the room when we have an event or lots of students working together on projects. Read More

Topics: News

Graduate Spotlight | Matt, Meg & Scott
Jan 19, 2017
This week we look at 3 recent graduates and how they transitioned from their past lives into their new roles as junior developers. Meet Matt, Meg, and Scott. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

Graduate Spotlight | Liz, Fletcher & Tim
Jan 16, 2017
Last Tuesday, NSS graduated 43 full-stack C#/.NET developers. These graduates impressed the community on their Demo Day with their drive, aptitude, and creative portfolios. As much as they've gained in knowledge from NSS, they've given back to the school by bringing their unique backgrounds and experiences to the table. In our new series of blog posts, we'll help you get to know several of Nashville's newest developers. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

Demo Day Recap And Interviews With Our Newest Graduates
Jan 12, 2017
This week Cohort 15 and Evening Cohort 3 graduated 43 full-stack developers, marking over 385 total graduates of NSS. We celebrated their graduation and introduced 32 of the graduates to the community at Demo Day. Get to know these 43 graduates. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

The Philosophy Behind The Mastery Learning Process | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 8
Dec 9, 2016
In Episode 8 of Stories from The Hackery, Steve Brownlee, Lead Instructor here at NSS, speaks with John Wark about the philosophy behind the Mastery Learning Process and fostering a learning environment that produces productive, inquisitive developers. Steve takes a deep-dive into how both students and local employers contribute to the continuous evolution of the core curriculum. Read More

Topics: Learning, Hiring?

Why It Makes Sense To Interview NSS Graduates | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 7
Sep 7, 2016
In Episode 7 of Stories from the Hackery we catch up with Daniel Green from VitalSource Technologies at Ingram Content Group. We chat with him about the products that VitalSource develops and why he felt it made sense to interview NSS graduates for his team. And we talk more broadly about the impact of the Nashville tech community on helping NSS become successful and how, in turn, NSS grads are impacting the community. Read More

Topics: Hiring?

Nashville Software School Announces Data Science & Data Engineering Bootcamp
Aug 11, 2016
Today we're announcing our Data Analytics & Data Engineering Bootcamp, a new training program that NSS will roll out in 2017. Dramatic growth in analytics applications and the increased use of data science tools across industries, especially in Nashville's major industry of healthcare, has led to significant unmet demand for professionals trained in modern tools, techniques, and methods. Read More

Topics: News

NSS Approved To Accept GI Bill®
Jul 20, 2016
Nashville Software School (NSS) is proud to announce that our full-time Web Developer Bootcamp has been approved by the Tennessee State Approving Agency for Veterans Education and Training. We are the first coding bootcamp program in the Southeast U.S. approved to accept the GI Bill® and one of the first five in the entire country. Read More

Topics: News, Community