Why A Non-Profit? | 500 In 5
Jul 13, 2017
There are a lot of threads to the story of the first five years at NSS. One of those threads is our start-up story. It's an aspect of the NSS story that I often get asked about during our information sessions and during interviews with applicants: why did we decide to start the school and why did we decide to do it the way we did. Our fifth anniversary feels like a good time to go back and review some of those key decisions and see how they worked out in practice. Probably the single biggest decision that we made when we considered the business model for NSS, and the one that still seems to most shape how applicants, employers, and the community view NSS, was the decision to establish NSS as a non-profit. Read More

Topics: Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

First Web Development Jumpstart A Success
Jul 11, 2017
Last month we launched our first Web Development Jumpstart course. It’s a three week, part-time class that gives students an introduction to web development. Our first session had 25 students eager to test the waters of web development. Hear about their experiences. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, News

My How Things Have Changed | 500 In 5
Jul 6, 2017
One of the key "leaps of faith" in the initial business model for NSS was that there were an adequate number of employers in Nashville ready and willing to hire junior developers. This was definitely not self-evident back in late 2011, early 2012 when we were designing our business model. My, how things have changed over the past five years. Read More

Topics: Hiring?, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

Focused On Solutions | Graduate Spotlight
Jul 5, 2017
Software developers are modern day builders. They do not use a hammer and nails; instead they use languages and frameworks. When Michael Watson and Luke Woodard see a problem, they want to build the solution. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

Customer-Focused Software Developers | Graduate Spotlight
Jun 29, 2017
Many of our graduates come to NSS to change their careers. When they start their first job as a junior software developer, not only do they bring problem-solving and coding skills, they also bring their prior work experiences with them. Jared Fuller and Jesse Waddell both come from customer-focused careers. Their experiences in serving customers' needs will help them work with both clients and end-users as developers. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

Cohorts 18 & Evening 4 Celebrate Successful Demo Day
Jun 27, 2017
On Friday we graduated 45 junior developers from Cohorts 18 and Evening 4. To showcase all that they’ve learned at NSS, the graduates presented their front-end and back-end capstones to prospective employers one-on-one. Get to know these 45 graduates. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

NSS 5th Anniversary | 500 In 5
Jun 22, 2017
Five years ago this week our little experiment in non-profit vocational education launched in Nashville. Cohort 1 of the full-time Web Development Bootcamp started their first class on June 18, 2012. Fifteen students joined us that first Monday to see if we could help them learn to build websites and launch careers as software developers. So we're celebrating Cohort 1 and our fifth anniversary today at NSS with some cake before everyone goes back to slinging code. Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

Advanced Degrees Allowed | Graduate Spotlight
Jun 20, 2017
Is a bootcamp right for someone with a master’s degree? If you want to learn the craft of software development, absolutely. Everyone’s educational journey takes different paths. These two Cohort 17 graduates have master’s degrees, but when they decided to pursue software development, they opted for the accelerated, hands-on learning environment that our bootcamps provide. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

Learner Experience Design
Jun 15, 2017
Great teaching isn’t about knowledge transfer from the expert to the learner, it’s about clearing a path of discovery, and expertly guiding people down it. Head Instructor at Nashville Software School, Steve Brownlee, shares his research in & experience with Learner Experience Design (LxD). Read More

Topics: Learning

Coding Is For Creatives | Graduate Spotlight
Jun 13, 2017
There’s a common misconception that if you are creative, you will not like coding. The reality is that many of our students come from creative backgrounds. Whether you are a musician, writer, graphic designer, or express your creativity in other ways, you can bring your creativity into your role as a software developer. Today we meet Sorrel Brigman, an audio engineer, and Ashley Irwin, a writer, from Cohort 17 who both use their creativity to code. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?