Code For Nashville | GET INVOLVED
May 23, 2017
There are meetups that focus on learning or networking opportunities and then there’s Code for Nashville, a group that seeks to make a difference. Code for Nashville leverages technology to improve access to government services and is changing lives in big and small ways. They lead the way through hackathons and community discussions with software developers, journalists, legal minds, designers, and you! Find out how to get involved. Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved

Sneak Peek | Data Science Bootcamp And UI/UX Designer/Front-End Developer Bootcamp Coming Soon To NSS
May 10, 2017
We all know that software technology is constantly evolving. This evolution drives change in which technologies are used in Nashville, how technologies are leveraged by employers, and what skills and knowledge are needed in new tech talent. We try to monitor those changes in Nashville’s tech talent demand. We also try to collaborate with employers and working professionals to identify opportunities to help meet changing needs through training. Based on our conversations over the past two or three years we have identified two new programs that are planned for launch later this year. Read More

Topics: Hiring?, News, Community, UI/UX, Analytics + Data Science

Celebrating Women In Tech | IN THE COMMUNITY
Apr 24, 2017
Last Thursday night, the organizations that support women in technology came together for one giant event! The Nashville Entrepreneur Center was filled with old and new friends as we celebrated the impact women are making in the Nashville tech community. Women attended from Nashville Girl Geek Dinner, Women in Technology Tennessee (WiTT), Women Get IT, Tech Ladies, and Nashville Women Programmers. While each of these organizations offers different environments and programs, they all seek to empower women in tech. Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved

Sharing Your Knowledge At Meetups | IN THE COMMUNITY
Mar 20, 2017
Have you thought about presenting at a meetup or conference? Matt Hamil, a Cohort 15 graduate, shares his experience of presenting at two Nashville meetups and offers practical advice on how to decide on a topic and prepare for the presentation. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community, Get Involved

An Intro To Contributing To Open Source
Mar 1, 2017
Contributing to an open source project can be daunting, especially for those that are just starting out or those that have lived their life contributing to proprietary software. Nick Lorenson & Max Shenfield put together a hands-on workshop to demonstrate both sides of the coin; how to contribute and how it feels to manage an open source project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community, Technology Insights, Get Involved

NSS Approved To Accept GI Bill®
Jul 20, 2016
Nashville Software School (NSS) is proud to announce that our full-time Web Developer Bootcamp has been approved by the Tennessee State Approving Agency for Veterans Education and Training. We are the first coding bootcamp program in the Southeast U.S. approved to accept the GI Bill® and one of the first five in the entire country. Read More

Topics: News, Community

Hiring And Growing Junior Developers | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 3
Jun 16, 2016
Many of our graduates come to NSS to change their careers. When they start their first job as a junior software developer, not only do they bring problem-solving and coding skills, they also bring their prior work experiences with them. Jared Fuller and Jesse Waddell both come from customer-focused careers. Their experiences in serving customers' needs will help them work with both clients and end-users as developers. Read More

Topics: Hiring?, Community

It's Our 4th Birthday!
Jun 10, 2016
NSS started our first bootcamp on June 18, 2012. The idea behind NSS was pretty simple - we felt that we could help address the shortage of local software developers by home-growing talent. In other words, we felt that there were plenty of people living in Nashville who had the aptitude to be good software developers. Those folks just needed an opportunity to tap into their latent potential. Read More

Topics: News, Community

Nashville, Beautiful City, Needs Your Help
May 25, 2016
Nashville is a wonderful city, but it needs our help to reach its full potential. It’s strikingly diverse. The city is wonderful that way. But that diversity is still immature. Our community, the community of software developers and related disciplines, embodies this problem. Code for Nashville is investing into diversity and growth in our craft by organizing our volunteer membership around a civic ethos. Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved

Mentor Meetup For June's Graduating Classes
Apr 27, 2016
If you are a software developer, even if you've only got a few months of experience, you can help our current students make their transition from student to working developer. What does being a mentor entail? Our students have questions and need support in two broad areas - technical mentoring and career mentoring. Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved

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