We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends - Thank You Nashville!
Aug 20, 2019
We made a lot of contingency plans for our move but could not have predicted that two weeks after moving in, the building would be uninhabitable. What followed was 10 days of stress and hassle but also a great chance to be reminded of the amazing community we live in and serve. Here’s a summary of what’s been going on the past two weeks as well as a big thank you to our friends that helped us survive it! Read More

Topics: News, Community

Do You Have A Data Question That Needs Analysis?
May 22, 2019
From the beginning, students in our data science classes have worked on projects with companies that have shared data (either company data or public data) and one or more questions their business would like to have answered by that data. This provides a tremendous experience, whereby our students get exposed to data from a variety of domains while working to answer questions that would provide real value. Learn how you can provide data or a data question for our analytics and data science bootcamps. Read More

Topics: Learning, Community, Analytics + Data Science

The Ultimate Mock Interview Event
May 3, 2019
When is the last time you went on a job interview? For many of our students, it’s been at least a few years. Prior experience aside, preparing for your first few tech-related job interviews is daunting. Find out how our mock interviews are helping students with this crucial step to landing a job and why so many hiring managers and technical leads are eager to participate! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning, Hiring?, Community, Get Involved

Do You Need A Ph.D. To Become A Data Scientist?
Apr 18, 2019
In an article titled Why Does A PhD Hurt You?, Lindsey Morris, Director of Data Science & Analytics at axialHealthcare and supporter of Nashville Software School (NSS), looked at the skills acquired when working toward a Ph.D. degree that are valuable for data scientists and those skills that post-docs may not have had an opportunity to acquire. Read More

Topics: Community, Analytics + Data Science

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and NSS Partnership Underway
Sep 19, 2018
In February of 2018, NSS partnered with the Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training (BRET) at the Vanderbilt University Medical School to begin shaping an Introduction to Data Science for post-doctoral students. This program, Data Science Essentials, was funded by a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome fund and consists of three parts. Read More

Topics: Community, Analytics + Data Science

Perfecting The Pitch: Group Projects Using Metro Nashville's Open Data
May 29, 2018
There was a lot of excitement in the air last Thursday as our Front-end Web Designer/Developer Bootcamp students presented their group projects using Nashville’s Open Data to an esteemed panel of judges. They had a week to build an app and perfect their pitch. See what they created! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning, Community

Data Science Students Present at Metro Data Day
May 1, 2018
Two of our Data Science bootcamp students, Evan Lancaster and Mahesh Rao, and our Data Science instructor, Mary van Valkenburg, were invited to present at the inaugural Metro Data Day last Friday. Evan and Mahesh shared the insights they gained from their work with the Metro Nashville property violations data project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community, Analytics + Data Science

2018 Hack For The Community A Success
Apr 17, 2018
After 36 hours, there was still a lot of energy in the room as the 20 Hack For The Community teams shared what they built with their fellow developers, designers, and community members. Nearly 30 NSS students and alumni participated in the hackathon. I caught up with a few of them to talk about their experience. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Community

Exploring Space Through Data With NASA Datanauts
Feb 14, 2018
When you think of NASA, you probably think of the space race, walking on the moon, or a potential mission to Mars. NASA is built on exploration and as a result of that, they have collected lots and lots of data. They currently have over 39,000 data sets! With all of this data and declining funding, NASA is turning to the community to find answers through Datanauts. Read More

Topics: Community, Analytics + Data Science

Global Game Jam Sparks Creativity
Feb 6, 2018
During the last weekend of January teams from around the world gathered for the annual Global Game Jam (GGJ), a 48-hour game hackathon. This year’s theme was “Transmission.” Over 42,000 jammers made 8,600 games at 800 sites in over 100 countries! In Nashville, over 100 game fans gathered to imagine, design, and build 25 different games. Several NSS students and alumni participated in the fun-filled weekend. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community

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