Growing Locally & Remaining Competitive  - 10 Years | 2,000 Journeys
Oct 26, 2022
In this episode of 10 years | 2,000 Journeys, host Clark Buckner sat down with Jason King, Senior Director of Data Science at XSOLIS, and Thomas Schlegel, acting CTO at Built Technologies to discuss their strategies to build and retain their team at the locally grown companies they work for – even as more companies consider making Nashville their next home and drive up talent demand. Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

NSS Celebrates 10th Anniversary & Nashville Software School Day
Sep 14, 2022
2022 is not only NSS’s 10th anniversary, but we also graduated our 2000th student and soon, our 100th cohort! With so many milestones in one year, there was no question - it was time to party!  Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

2,000 Graduates | Newest Milestone for NSS
Sep 1, 2022
Well, it’s official! NSS graduated our 2,000th student last month with the August graduation of Full-time Data Analytics Cohort 7. It took seven and a half years to reach our 1000th graduate and only another two and a half years to reach our 2000th. I’ll let those numbers sink in for a moment…  Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

Goal Achieved! 10 Scholarships Funded During The Big Payback
May 17, 2022
NSS wants to further this impact and honor Asher Styers, a student in Web Development Cohort Evening 17 who passed away this spring. In his memory, we are adding five additional $1,000 scholarships to our Big Payback total of $10,402. Read more in our latest blog post: Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community

Dec 20, 2021
As the year draws close to an end, we’d like to take a moment to reflect and celebrate all that 2021 brought with it! Read More

Topics: Community

NSS Staff Give Thanks
Nov 29, 2021
This time of year it’s always fun to reflect on all we have to be thankful for! Here at NSS especially, we have so much that we are thankful for that it's hard to list them all out - so we’ve enlisted the help of some NSS staff members this year and asked them to share some things they’re thankful for! Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved

The Sounds of NSS: Why Musicians Make Great Coders
Nov 19, 2021
We caught up with some of our alumni who have backgrounds in music and asked how their previous careers relate to their current roles as web developers! Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Community, Web Development

The ASPIRE Data Science Essentials Students Present Their Group Presentations
Oct 27, 2021
NSS Data Program Manager Mahesh Rao shares his experience watching the students of the ASPIRE Data Science Essentials class at Vanderbilt University Medical School present their group projects. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning, Community, Analytics + Data Science

Confidence Through Code and Community | Jordan Castelloe, Web Development Cohort 23
Oct 11, 2021
Full-time Web Development Cohort 23 alumna Jordan Castelloe shares her experience helping launch NewForce, a bootcamp in West Virginia, and what she has learned throughout the process as one of the first instructors of the program.  Read More

Topics: Alumni, Community, Web Development

How You Can Help Our Veterans
Sep 21, 2021
Alumni of Nashville Software School (NSS), who are also veterans, asked for a way to financially support their fellow veterans who lost their funding to attend NSS without notice. Read More

Topics: News, Community, Get Involved

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