An Update On Our Veterans
Sep 13, 2021
As of today, seven of our ten veterans impacted by no longer being allowed to use their earned educational entitlements at NSS are still attending on schedule and three are either delaying their attendance or not attending. Read More

Topics: News, Community

Zap Joins The Team As Employer Engagement Manager
Aug 13, 2021
Nashville Software School (NSS) is excited to announce that Haley Zapolski (aka “Zap”) has joined the team as Employer Engagement Manager.  Read More

Topics: News, Community

No Two Students Are The Same
Aug 3, 2021
Students at NSS come from many different backgrounds and experiences! Web Development Program Manager Heather Dixon had the opportunity to hear this first hand after attending orientation day of web development cohorts 50 and evening 16. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Community, Web Development

NSS Forms Advisory Groups To Strengthen Engagement With Employers
Jul 29, 2021
Like all growing organizations, we’ve had to adapt some of the things that previously worked, but are not scalable in a rapidly growing organization. One of those improvements is the introduction of advisory boards to extend how we collaborate with Middle Tennessee employers. Read More

Topics: News, Community, Analytics + Data Science, Get Involved, Web Development

NSS Celebrates 1,500 Graduates on 9th Anniversary
Jun 30, 2021
We tend to get a little nostalgic here at NSS every year when June rolls around, as it is NSS’s anniversary month, but this year, it’s been a bit more special this year as we hit a new milestone: 1500 graduates! 🎉 Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

NSS Student Outcomes
Jun 22, 2021
Every year the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) compiles reports on student outcomes and demographics for authorized institutions. Given the impact of the pandemic on the reporting year, we thought it was a good time to walk through the nuances of this report. Read More

Topics: News, Community

How Will Nashville Fill 8,500 MORE Tech Jobs?!?!
Apr 23, 2021
Join us on May 5th at 6pm as John Wark and a panel of local tech community members and NSS graduates discuss where tech in Nashville is heading, how the local community is already preparing, and how you can help NSS provide more opportunities to adults looking to make the leap into a tech career. Read More

Topics: News, Community, Analytics + Data Science, Technology Insights, Get Involved, Web Development

NSS Announces Participation in The Big Payback | May 5-6, 2021
Apr 6, 2021
Join NSS for the Big Payback! This is our first time participating in this 24-hour giving event and we need your help to make it a success. Read More

Topics: News, Community, Mind The Gap

Has Nashville’s Tech Job Market Recovered From COVID-19?
Jan 28, 2021
Probably the most common question we get from adults considering a career upgrade or change is some variation of: “How many of your graduates get jobs?” COVID-19 and the resultant blow to the economy has only heightened interest in the answer to that question. We thought it would be useful to give an update on what our graduates are actually experiencing in the current local economy. Read More

Topics: News, Community

What We're Thankful For: 2020 Edition
Nov 30, 2020
Tomorrow is GivingTuesday and all month long we’ve been sharing on social media what we’re thankful for during a year like no other. As we close out November, we’re revisiting the gratitude.  Read More

Topics: Community, Mind The Gap

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