Melanie Hall Shares Her Journey From Design To Development | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 5
Jul 18, 2016
Melanie Hall came to Nashville in 2012 because she was passionately involved at a non-profit. She supported herself by applying her college training as a designer. Like many designers we have met, Melanie realized that her design training didn’t really prepare her to design for the web. She needed an understanding of how (at least) basic level coding worked. Melanie joined the second student cohort at NSS in January 2013 and today she is still passionate about her non-profit, still passionate about design, and she is a working full-stack software developer. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

The Evolution Of Mobile Apps, IOS, And Swift | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 4
Jun 30, 2016
iOS and Swift continue to rapidly evolve. Van Simmons previews our upcoming iOS mobile development class and discusses how the changing nature of Swift is causing us to evolve our iOS class. Van also talks about the rapid emergence of idiomatic conventions for developing apps in Swift, his experience building multiple major iOS apps in Swift, and the potential for Swift as a language for server-side development. Read More

Topics: Learning, Technology Insights

Demo Day Recap And Interviews With Our Newest Graduates
Jun 30, 2016
Last week, Cohort 12 and Evening Cohort 2 graduated 37 full-stack developers, marking over 293 total graduates of NSS. We celebrated their graduation and introduced 32 of the graduates to the community at Demo Day on Friday, June 24. Get to know our graduates. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?

Hiring And Growing Junior Developers | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 3
Jun 16, 2016
Many of our graduates come to NSS to change their careers. When they start their first job as a junior software developer, not only do they bring problem-solving and coding skills, they also bring their prior work experiences with them. Jared Fuller and Jesse Waddell both come from customer-focused careers. Their experiences in serving customers' needs will help them work with both clients and end-users as developers. Read More

Topics: Hiring?, Community

It's Our 4th Birthday!
Jun 10, 2016
NSS started our first bootcamp on June 18, 2012. The idea behind NSS was pretty simple - we felt that we could help address the shortage of local software developers by home-growing talent. In other words, we felt that there were plenty of people living in Nashville who had the aptitude to be good software developers. Those folks just needed an opportunity to tap into their latent potential. Read More

Topics: News, Community

Kelly Stephens Finds Improved Quality Of Life As Software Engineer | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 2
Jun 3, 2016
Kelley Stephens, a Software Engineer from Cohort Five discusses the importance of changing careers, finding Nashville Software School, and using her knowledge and new network to land a job at Ingram Content Group. Listen to her journey as told to Clark Buckner in episode two of our latest segment of Stories From The Hackery. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

Nashville, Beautiful City, Needs Your Help
May 25, 2016
Nashville is a wonderful city, but it needs our help to reach its full potential. It’s strikingly diverse. The city is wonderful that way. But that diversity is still immature. Our community, the community of software developers and related disciplines, embodies this problem. Code for Nashville is investing into diversity and growth in our craft by organizing our volunteer membership around a civic ethos. Read More

Topics: Community, Get Involved

From College Dropout To Software Developer | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 1
May 19, 2016
Stories from the Hackery provides an opportunity for our graduates to tell the story of their journeys from 'not a software developer' to 'am a software developer.' It's also a channel that allows our hiring partners to communicate why they hire junior developers, lessons they've learned on how to onboard junior developers, and suggestions for the best ways to help junior developers grow. Finally, the podcast gives us a way to share lessons we've learned about how to develop promising new talent, share opinions about tech education and the local talent market, and otherwise help the community learn about what goes on here at NSS. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

Our First UI/UX Class
May 18, 2016
Last week nine students completed our first UI/UX class. NSS programs up until this class have been primarily focused on front-end and back-end development. As we start to expand our training beyond software development, we decided it was a priority to add a program especially for user interface and user experience design. Three students share their experience with our UI/UX class. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, News, UI/UX

Our First Python & Django Bootcamp
May 5, 2016
We are pleased to announce Python & Django as a new server-side technology option in our full-time Web Developer Bootcamp. Full-time cohort 13, which launched on April 4, 2016, will be our first class to learn the Python language, the Django MVC framework and other supporting Python technologies. Read More

Topics: News