“Don’t Give Up” And More Great Advice From A Working Developer | Pete Dunlap - Cohort 3
Sep 26, 2017
Pete Dunlap transitioned from a high school science teacher to a full-stack Rails developer after completing our web development bootcamp as a part of Cohort 3. He shared, “Without NSS I certainly could not have gotten a job as a developer.” He offers some great advice for graduates looking for their first development role and shares what he has learned since he graduated NSS. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

Developers Never Stop Learning | Carter Nelms - Cohort 5
Sep 7, 2017
In 2013, Carter Nelms was working as a project manager at his family’s heating and air business when he decided to change careers and go into software development. He distinctly remembers thinking, “Going back to school sounds miserable and wasteful. I wish there were a software school that would teach these things full time for a few months instead of spreading it out over a few years. I’d do that in a heartbeat.” Then he discovered NSS. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

From Postdoc To Data Scientist
Aug 30, 2017
We recently spoke with Shruti Sharma, a NSS Cohort 6 Web Development Bootcamp grad, who will be returning to NSS this fall to attend our Data Science Bootcamp. We asked her all the tough questions, like why does a postdoc leave academia to become a software engineer? And why would they choose to attend a vocational school? Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Total Eclipse | Understanding JavaScript Functions
Aug 29, 2017
It was the weekend before the total solar eclipse and over 70 NSS alumni and students gathered at the school for the alumni’s first hackathon. One of the 12 apps built that weekend is called Total Eclipse and teaches JavaScript functions. Alumnus Chris Jarvis was a part of the team that built it and blogged about his experience and what he learned. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Technology Insights, Get Involved

Nashville Girl Geek Dinner | IN THE COMMUNITY
Aug 28, 2017
Nashville Girl Geek Dinner was started in 2013 by Kristin McKinney and NSS alumna Rachel Werner. Kristin and Rachel found that there was a lack of networking organizations in Nashville for young women who were interested in software development or already working in the industry. They brought together a community of women to provide mentorship, networking, and education. Learn more about their networking events and workshops and hear why attendees love it! Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Community

NSS Alumni Hackathon - The Results Are In
Aug 23, 2017
This past weekend the NSS Alumni association hosted their very first Alumni/Student Hackathon. Over 70 participants were divided into 12 teams and given one parameter: create an application that pertains to the theme Skill++ (loosely translated to: 'build something to help developers learn'). Each of the teams was comprised of NSS alumni and students with varying skill levels and given just 25.5 hours to complete their entire app. The results were 'mind-blowing' (as put by one of the judges). Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

Kelly Stephens Finds Improved Quality Of Life As Software Engineer | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 2
Jun 3, 2016
Kelley Stephens, a Software Engineer from Cohort Five discusses the importance of changing careers, finding Nashville Software School, and using her knowledge and new network to land a job at Ingram Content Group. Listen to her journey as told to Clark Buckner in episode two of our latest segment of Stories From The Hackery. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

From College Dropout To Software Developer | Stories From The Hackery Ep. 1
May 19, 2016
Stories from the Hackery provides an opportunity for our graduates to tell the story of their journeys from 'not a software developer' to 'am a software developer.' It's also a channel that allows our hiring partners to communicate why they hire junior developers, lessons they've learned on how to onboard junior developers, and suggestions for the best ways to help junior developers grow. Finally, the podcast gives us a way to share lessons we've learned about how to develop promising new talent, share opinions about tech education and the local talent market, and otherwise help the community learn about what goes on here at NSS. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories

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