It has been almost a year since Matthew McCord graduated from NSS as a part of Cohort 16. Ten months into his first tech job at Bernard Health as a full stack developer, Matthew hasn’t stopped learning. Through support on the job and exploring his own interests in game development, he has grown a lot as a developer.
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Megan Freeman went through NSS’s web development bootcamp as a part of Cohort 9. She left a career in business dentistry to purse software development. Her six months at NSS laid the groundwork for her first job in tech by exposing Megan to current technologies. This made it easier for her to go deeper and learn more on the job.
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Student Stories
Bryan Duplantis had a long career in the television industry before he decided to give software development a try. Prior to bootcamp, he had no knowledge about software development and no understanding of the work that goes into building a website. He is now a technical business analyst and IT support manager.
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Student Stories
We spent the last two days hanging out at Nodevember meeting developers from around the country, catching up with alumni, and listening to a lot of great talks! A few of those talks came from our alumni. We heard from Delaine Wendling on D3, Matt Hamil on ReactVR (both from Cohort 15 which graduated this past January), and Aimee Knight from Cohort 4 gave a keynote on debugging stylesheets.
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Seth Dorris was an Army Captain prior to joining Cohort 10 at NSS. He’s now is a full-stack developer for Sierra Trading Post and the learning hasn't stopped...from databases such as PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MySQL, and MongoDB, to technologies such as Node.JS, ASP.NET, Angular and React. Seth offers advice on defining your career objectives and coding outside of work to grow your skills faster.
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Student Stories
When a student considers attending NSS today, many of them spend a lot of time researching the school. They look at reviews on Course Report, read our blog, comb through every page of our website, and talk with our graduates. But five years ago, none of that existed...well we had a website with a few blogs that read more like social media updates than blog posts, but there were no reviews or graduates to talk to. In fact, even the idea of a coding bootcamp was still a new concept. So who were these early adopters that decided to take a chance on NSS as part of our very first cohort?
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Student Stories
Ryan Tanay was working in desktop support, small business IT, and networking before he attended NSS. After graduation, Ryan was a junior instructor for a year and now works in DevOps with the full-stack and learned all of his DevOps skills post NSS. Ryan shares about the importance of continual learning and networking.
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Student Stories
On Saturday Nashville Software School and Tech Hill Commons was filled with energy from the Nashville tech community for BarCamp Nashville. The doors opened at 8am and the building quickly filled with eager learners. With sessions ranging from interviewing, to how to speak at BarCamp, to VR and AI, there was something for everyone.
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Student Stories,
Aimee Knight is a former professional figure skater and was in marketing when she made the decision to become a software developer. After researching (and visiting) bootcamps around the country, she landed at Nashville Software School as a part of Cohort 4. Aimee encourages new developers to "Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable."
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Student Stories
Nine students and two alumni formed 3 teams and gave up their weekends to help Horse Haven of Tennessee and tnAchieves as a part of LBMC’s Code For A Cause hackathon. They share what they learned and 10 tips for success in a hackathon.
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