You Learn The Most When Things Don't Work | Graduate Spotlight
Nov 25, 2019
Prior to attending Nashville Software School (NSS), Melanie Bond was working at a pre-school. She loves kids but realized that she wanted a job that would challenge her mind. After hearing her dad mention multiple times that Amazon was coming to town, she looked into what type of job opening they might have. She ran into a lot of IT and development roles during her search and decided to give tech a try. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Motivational Joy | Graduate Spotlight
Nov 20, 2019
From the moment you meet Joy Ittycheriah, you’ll discover that he radiates joy and positivity. After two decades he still loved his job as a chemist but was tired of working the night shift and decided it was time for a change. Learn about Joy's experience as the fourth person in his family to attend NSS. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Helping People Find Pets And New Recipes | Graduate Spotlight
Oct 8, 2019
Richard learned about software development from a family member and began to explore it as a career option. He knew software development was the career for him after he learned more about the problem-solving nature of programming and the sense of reward when overcoming obstacles to solve the problem. For his capstone projects, he created an app to help people find their next pet and an app to help culinary creatives keep track of recipes to share. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

We Learn Together | Graduate Spotlight
Oct 1, 2019
Josh Webb was in the food and beverage and hospitality industries for nearly 10 years. He knew if he was going to continue to grow his career in hospitality, that meant management and Josh did not want to be tied to the long, crazy hours that it would require. So he set his mind on a career change. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Software Development Jobs in Middle Tennessee: Report Release & Panel Discussion (Live Podcast)
Sep 30, 2019
In August, Dr. Amy Harris presented the “2019 Software Developers in Middle Tennessee” report at Nashville Software School’s open house. If you missed the event or wished you could go back and hear it again, now you can! You can catch the full recording on our blog. Read More

Topics: Hiring?, Community, Web Development

Flying A Drone With JavaScript and Node.js | Graduate Spotlight
Aug 30, 2019
Wayne Collier has been interested in technology since he was young. By the age of fourteen, he was a licensed amateur radio operator. His interest in coding began while working for Waste Management where he was introduced to Post Scripting Language (PSL). Read more to hear about his web application that can fly a drone. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Comfort Zone Redefined | Graduate Spotlight
Jul 9, 2019
Brian Neal had spent ten years in retail, most recently as store manager, and knew it was time to move on. He had been interested in pursuing a career in development for years but was afraid to step out of his comfort zone and pursue it. While at NSS, he redefined his comfort zone and is looking forward to his first job as a developer. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Transitioning From A Military To Civilian Career | Graduate Spotlight
Jul 2, 2019
Janet N. Woods has spent most of her adult life with the Army and Army National Guard. As she considered what direction to take when she retired from service, Janet focused on what she enjoyed about her job. Learn about her journey at NSS. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

A Love For Problem-Solving | Graduate Spotlight
Jun 6, 2019
When Brittany Ramos-Janeway graduated from college, she wasn't sure what path she wanted to take, so she started working as a bartender and in an Amazon fulfillment center. While these jobs helped pay the bills, she was still looking for a career. She started pursuing law school, even taking the LSAT, but an idea for an app inspired her to start learning to code. Brittany began learning Python on her own an loved the problem-solving aspect of coding, but she quickly realized that if she were to pursue this as a career, she would need an in-person learning environment. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Finding Patterns In Data | Graduate Spotlight
Jun 4, 2019
After learning of Nashville Software School's (NSS) data science bootcamp, Selam chose bootcamp over graduate school. She did not have any coding experience prior to attending NSS, but embraced the learning process and found the environment to be supportive and encouraging. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Analytics + Data Science