After working closely with biostatisticians, bioinformaticians, and data scientists, Brittany City was ready to add to her professional skill set with Data Science. During Data Science Cohort 3, she was able to apply her new skills with capstones on the coronavirus and music.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
As a postdoctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University, Suneethi Ford researched mechanisms in cancer growth through data analysis. Conversations with Shruti Sharma, a Vanderbilt and NSS alum, led Suneethi to apply for NSS’ Data Science Bootcamp. Since graduating, starting a project using natural language processing, applying for jobs, and networking with the Nashville data science community.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
It has been a couple of weeks since we checked in with our old friend COVID-19 to see if there are any updates in its world. And there are a few new things to talk about in pandemic land.
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In celebration of Nashville Software School’s 8th birthday, Founder and CEO John Wark reflects on key milestones in the past year, like graduating our 1000th student, and looks forward to what the next year might have in store.
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10 Years | 2000 Journeys
Aja Washington wanted a career that she could pour her passion for humanitarianism and charity into. Feeling stuck in her previous career, friends introduced Aja to NSS. Now a full stack developer, Aja is excited to be a positive impact to the community through coding!
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Student Stories,
Web Development
Sunitha Bussa of Data Science Cohort 3 spent 13 years as a software developer and has worked with all kinds of data during that time. While working in the billing department of a dialysis clinic, she saw room for improvement but did not have the proper tools to analyze the data. During the Data Science bootcamp, she was able to apply what she was learning to billing data from the dialysis center for her capstone projects.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
It’s great to see Nashville moving to Phase 3 of their reopening plan. Many are eager to leave their homes and support their favorite businesses and restaurants again. And all of our local businesses definitely need our support. While Phase 3 is a long way from normal – for many, the ability to get out is a welcomed relief!
Let’s also remember that it is not yet safe for everyone in our community to leave their homes and that the health risks brought by the coronavirus are very much still with us.
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Coffey May of Web Development Cohort 37 is an artist, oil painter, and now a full stack web developer! “I was initially drawn to software development for the challenge of learning a new creative tool. The creative potential of working with and understanding data greatly interests me,” he shares.
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Student Stories,
Web Development
Bettina Kozissnik of Data Science Cohort 3 loves the scientific process and the eureka moments that come from hard work. After leaving biomedical engineering for the business world, Bettina missed the eureka moments. When she discovered Data Science, she realized she could have those eureka moments back.
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Student Stories,
Analytics + Data Science
Since graduating from Web Development Cohort 37, Jansen van der Spuy stays busy practicing code through self-study books and online courses. He is excited to start his first job in tech and would like to work with .NET, Python, JavaScript, and SQL, but is also open to learning new tech stacks.
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Student Stories,
Web Development