Mandy Arola

Mandy has been following developers & tech companies at meetups since 2016. She is NSS’s chief content wrangler, a.k.a. marketing manager. When she’s not writing blogs, managing social media, pestering instructors & graduates for content, or attending meetups, you can find her traveling the world or at home with her beloved dog Lola.
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Recent Posts

How Do Refugee Resettlement Communities Differ? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 30, 2021
Building on her dissertation work at Vanderbilt University, Oluchi Randolph of Data Science Cohort 4 chose to explore perspectives on the immigrant integration process in the United States for her mid-course capstone project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Where Are Tennessee’s Roads Being Impacted The Most By Population Growth? | Discovery Through Data
Mar 11, 2021
Inspired by the beauty and ingenuity of the road system that helps us traverse the country, Matt Parker of Data Science Cohort 4 was interested in exploring traffic and population growth across Tennessee. Explore his Shiny app to find out what he discovered. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Where Are The Endangered Animals Located? | Discovery Through Data
Feb 25, 2021
There are more than 35,500 endangered species on the IUCN Red List. With a problem so large, how do you even know where to start finding solutions? Inspired by her time living near Mauritius, Armelle Le Guelte of Data Science Cohort 4 decided to explore endangered species through her mid-course capstone. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

Who’s The Best Player In The NHL? | Discovery Through Data
Feb 17, 2021
The question of "who is the best player" is a subjective one, even with data. Taylor Franklin of Data Science Cohort 4 answers this question in his analysis on a few key performance metrics in his mid-course capstone project. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

What’s In The Museum Of Modern Art’s Collection? | Discovery Through Data
Feb 11, 2021
Savannah Sew-Hee of Data Science Cohort 4 was intrigued by the data that New York City’s Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) publishes on their artwork and artists and decided to include it in her mid-course capstone! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

The Best Way To Learn SQL - 3 Things To Look For
Feb 3, 2021
Need to learn SQL and not sure where to start? Check out the three key things we recommend in a course to learn SQL or any programming language! Read More

Topics: Learning, Web Development

Looking Forward To 2021
Dec 28, 2020
While 2020 was a year like no other, it’s time to look ahead to all the exciting things in store for NSS, our students, and Seekers in the new year! Read More

Topics: News

Keep Your Network Strong - Raf Cevallos, Web Development Cohort 25
Dec 16, 2020
We’re catching up with some of our alumni and sharing their advice for our students and recent graduates. This week we caught up with software engineer and Cohort 25 alumnus, Raf Cevallos! Read More

Topics: Alumni, Web Development

What We're Thankful For: 2020 Edition
Nov 30, 2020
Tomorrow is GivingTuesday and all month long we’ve been sharing on social media what we’re thankful for during a year like no other. As we close out November, we’re revisiting the gratitude.  Read More

Topics: Community, Mind The Gap

Alumni Help Local Nonprofits Through Hack For The Community
Nov 18, 2020
In our latest blog post, we catch up with some of the NSS Alumni who participated in HCA Foundation and the Greater Nashville Technology Council’s biannual Hack for the Community! Hear about their experience with the virtual hackathon and which team earned their nonprofit $2500. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Community, UI/UX, Web Development

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