John Wark

John started programming professionally at age 19. After a long and multifarious career in technology, he founded NSS in 2012. He believed that Nashville's technology talent shortage would never be solved by trying to import experienced developers from other cities or by waiting for colleges and universities to start graduating enough students and/or appropriately trained students. He also had faith that Nashville had an ample supply of motivated adults with latent aptitude who, if offered a chance, would eagerly pursue a career in technology.
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Recent Posts

Additional Part-time Web Development Bootcamp Added in 2020
Oct 22, 2019
We are pleased to announce that we are increasing the number of part-time Web Development bootcamps from two to three in 2020, allowing us to accommodate an additional 25 to 30 students. For the past four years, we have offered two evening part-time Web Development bootcamps but with the rapid growth in the tech job market in Nashville we have decided that it’s time for us to expand and accommodate more students. Also, for the first time, we will be offering Python with Django in the part-time Web Development Bootcamp. To accommodate the additional class, we are adjusting the start dates for the evening bootcamps to line up with the start of calendar quarters. Read More

Topics: News, Web Development

Full Stack Web Development Tuition Price Increase - Effective 2020
Aug 27, 2019
After much consideration, we are increasing the tuition for the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp effective with the January 2020 class, Cohort 38. Get the details. Read More

Topics: News

Open House Date Change - NOW Thursday, 29 August
Aug 13, 2019
The Great HVAC Debacle of 2019 strikes again. As of this afternoon the HVAC system in our new building is not yet running and it's going to take some time to lower the temperature from a humid 99° to a comfortable 72°. Therefore, we've decided it's best to move our open house and the release of the Software Developer report to August 29th. Same place. Same time. We hope you'll be able to join us. Read More

Topics: News

Are Bootcamps Disrupting Traditional Higher Ed?
Jun 26, 2019
A fascinating discussion that has evolved since our founding and the launch of coding bootcamps in 2012 involves the role(s) of bootcamp-style programs in reshaping, disrupting, and/or complementing traditional higher education. There have been opinions on all sides of these issues over the last seven years. As time has passed, we now have a small bit of track record and evolution of bootcamps to assess, and as traditional colleges and universities have started to co-opt the bootcamp model in various ways, the discussions have started to get a bit more consequential.  Read More

Topics: Learning, News

Another Year Older...
Jun 19, 2019
It seems barely yesterday that we celebrated our fifth anniversary and set a goal to graduate 500 graduates by the end of that year. But two more years have gone by and we not only reached 500 graduates but we have exceeded 800 graduates! Hard to believe so much has happened in two years... Read More

Topics: News, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

Update On our new Facility
Apr 3, 2019
We let you know a few months ago that we were moving to a new facility in 2019. Ever since, we’ve been getting asked when the move is happening so we thought it made sense to give y’all an update on the planned move to 301 Plus Park Blvd. Read More

Topics: News

Change In Start Date Of Data Analytics Bootcamp
Mar 25, 2019
The start of the first Data Analytics Bootcamp has been changed from Tuesday, May 14 to Tuesday, July 9. This change is to accommodate the availability of our new classroom facility (see Nashville Software School Is On The Move). Until we move into the new facility we do not have enough classrooms to accommodate the start of new programs, in fact, that’s the reason we are moving in the first place. Read More

Topics: News

Seven Questions Junior Developers Should Ask in Any Interview
Feb 21, 2018
New junior developers are often a bit buffaloed by the interview process associated with hiring software developers. Things like whiteboard challenges and code tests are not the kinds of things most of our grads have ever seen before in whatever jobs they had prior to NSS. And, new grads can get so focused on their need to sell themselves that they forget that interviews are two-way conversations where both parties - employer and interviewee - are trying to decide if working together makes sense. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Learning

Strong Software Developer Job Growth Continues
Nov 16, 2017
There was more good news recently regarding the prospects for continued growth in demand for software developers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their updated national Employment Projections - 2016 to 2026 in late October. These employment growth projections are widely used to analyze job growth prospects and trends. The future growth of software developers remains strong. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, News

After 5 Years - What’s The Road Ahead? | 500 In 5
Nov 9, 2017
Five years of sustained success and 500+ graduates is wildly gratifying for all of us at NSS. We’ve talked in this series mostly about what has happened over the past five years and why we made some of the crucial decisions that contributed to where we are today. But the energy of our team is actually focused on the future, not the past. Read More

Topics: 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

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