John Wark

John started programming professionally at age 19. After a long and multifarious career in technology, he founded NSS in 2012. He believed that Nashville's technology talent shortage would never be solved by trying to import experienced developers from other cities or by waiting for colleges and universities to start graduating enough students and/or appropriately trained students. He also had faith that Nashville had an ample supply of motivated adults with latent aptitude who, if offered a chance, would eagerly pursue a career in technology.
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Recent Posts

So Many Seekers | Mind The Gap
Oct 6, 2020
How in the world did NSS find itself with so many Seekers? And how did we get in the position where we had to ask you to help us “Mind the Gap”? Well, we all know what happened - COVID-19 happened. Overnight we went from what had been the best job market for NSS graduates that we had ever seen (as measured in terms of average job search times for graduates) to … what? All of the landmarks by which we navigated were gone, obscured in a fog. Read our latest blog for insight into how we navigated decision making under conditions of "uncertainty." Read More

Topics: Mind The Gap

We Have A Problem - You Can Help Us Solve It
Sep 28, 2020
2020 has been quite the year. For NSS, it began with the celebration of our 1000th graduate in February. But one month later, the pandemic hit and we all faced new challenges. There were all kinds of gaps between how we did things and how COVID-19 required us to act. But, there’s one big gap we haven’t been able to close - the slowdown in hiring of junior software developers, data analysts, and data scientists that started in mid-March. Here's how you can help. Read More

Topics: News, Mind The Gap

Supporting Our Job Seekers During The Economic Slowdown
Aug 26, 2020
In 2019 our graduates experienced the shortest job search times in our eight-year history. However, since the COVID-19-induced recession, job search times have lengthened in response to the tightening job market. Nonetheless, our promise to our graduates remains the same...our job is not done until they find their first job in tech. But what strategies could we roll out quickly to help? Read More

Topics: Web Development

COVID-19 Update - Mid-July
Jul 23, 2020
John Wark shares NSS's plans to stay remote through the end of the year as Nashville's Coronavirus cases continue to rise and the city remains progressing backwards in re-opening phases. Read More

Topics: News

Checking In With COVID-19
Jun 30, 2020
It has been a couple of weeks since we checked in with our old friend COVID-19 to see if there are any updates in its world. And there are a few new things to talk about in pandemic land.  Read More
Wait, What - It’s June? When did that Happen?
Jun 30, 2020
In celebration of Nashville Software School’s 8th birthday, Founder and CEO John Wark reflects on key milestones in the past year, like graduating our 1000th student, and looks forward to what the next year might have in store. Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

Let's Be Careful Out There
Jun 22, 2020
It’s great to see Nashville moving to Phase 3 of their reopening plan. Many are eager to leave their homes and support their favorite businesses and restaurants again. And all of our local businesses definitely need our support. While Phase 3 is a long way from normal – for many, the ability to get out is a welcomed relief! Let’s also remember that it is not yet safe for everyone in our community to leave their homes and that the health risks brought by the coronavirus are very much still with us. Read More
Coronavirus Update - Staying Online Through The Summer
Jun 3, 2020
We have decided to delay any return to “normal,” full in-person classroom activities until at least Labor Day (Monday, 7 September). Learn more about this decision. Read More
A Word To Our Community, In Support Of Our Community
Jun 2, 2020
A message from John Wark, Founder and CEO, about recent events. Read More

Topics: News

How Is Everyone Feeling About Returning To In-person Classes?
May 20, 2020
Given all this uncertainty, how does NSS decide when and how to reopen? How do we judge when it’s safe to ask 30 people to sit shoulder to shoulder in a classroom for six or seven hours a day? To help us measure attitudes and sentiment, we took the first of several surveys of continuing students and of all staff last week. Read More
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