Jessica Grande

Recent Posts

The Adventures of Web Development | Graduate Spotlight
Oct 7, 2020
Being a part of the first-ever fully remote cohort at NSS, Adrian Garmendia shares that his first few weeks in Web Development Cohort 40 were challenging as he learned how to be a remote learner. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

The Process of Beginning A New Career in Data Analytics | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 30, 2020
Around the time Lori Butler left her previous position in accounting and payroll managing, her husband also began making a career transition. That’s when they discovered Nashville Software School. After a 3 month job search, Lori is joining HealthStream as a Process Analyst. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Student Stories, Analytics + Data Science

The Teacher Becomes the Student | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 28, 2020
Charity Bunyon was an English teacher who was introduced to Web Development one day by one of her students in class. She knew from then on that she wanted to become a Developer. Now a graduate of Part-time Web Development Cohort Evening 10, Charity is continuing to build her skill set by learning Python and taking a Data Structures and Algorithms course and looking for her first Full-stack position as a junior web developer. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

The Missing Puzzle Piece | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 23, 2020
After a career teaching French at the University of Kentucky, Sarah H. Landolt decided it was time for a pivot and looked into learning software development when a friend suggested she check out Nashville Software School. Now a graduate of Web Development Cohort 39, she is ready to find her first full stack job that will allow her to continue building her experience as a developer! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Turning Ideas Into Reality | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 21, 2020
Michael Carroll discovered his interest in Web Development when he had an idea for an application to help improve his community but no idea how to build it. Michael found some independent study options but realized he needed a full-time, hands-on approach to learning code. That’s when an acquaintance suggested Nashville Software School. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

The Community That Comes with Coding | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 16, 2020
Philip Martin was continually intrigued by how technology intersected with his work as a musician and audio engineer. After talking with several of his friends in the music industry who also worked as web developers, he was inspired to research it for himself and discovered Nashville Software School (NSS). Now a junior developer, Philip is most excited to work in back-end development. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

I Can Build That! | Graduate Spotlight
Sep 2, 2020
When Ivan Phelps discovered Nashville Software School, he was looking for career where he could continue to grow and advance. Now a graduate of Part-time Web Development Cohort Evening 10, Ivan is excited to find his first job as a junior developer where he can progress in his skill sets as a programmer. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

Web Development That Is Out Of This World | Graduate Spotlight
Aug 31, 2020
Upon moving to Nashville with her husband in 2018, Maria Brock of Part-time Web Development Cohort Evening 10 knew it was also time for a change in her career. She began researching Nashville Software School (NSS) after a friend recommended she check it out. After attending an info session, Maria knew NSS was the place for her. Now a junior developer, Maria is ready for her first job in either front-end or full stack development! Read more about Maria and her capstone projects in our latest graduate spotlight! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

On The Hunt For A Career In Web Development | Graduate Spotlight
Aug 26, 2020
Crystal Elsey knew she wanted a career that was centered around logic and strategy when she started researching careers in tech. Now a graduate of Cohort 39, Crystal is most excited to work in either a front-end or full stack position as she searches for her first job as a junior developer! Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development

There Should Be An App For That | Graduate Spotlight
Aug 18, 2020
Derek Buckley was a salesman looking for a new career when he was recommended NSS. Derek reflects fondly of the relationships and friendships he made during his time in Web Development Cohort 39 and shares his two capstone projects inspired by real issues he's experienced in his life. Now a junior developer, Derek is adding features to his back-end capstone project while searching for his first job in tech! He is open to any opportunities that will allow him to continue to grow as a developer. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development