UI & UX For Digital Product Design Course Is Back!
Feb 14, 2017
Nashville is a creative community. As you look around this vibrant city, you’ll find interactive digital in music, healthcare, transportation, education, entertainment, and publishing. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find an industry that does NOT have interactive digital products, environments, systems, or services. Three students share their experience with the UI & UX for Digital Product Design course. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, News, UI/UX

Our First UI/UX Class
May 18, 2016
Last week nine students completed our first UI/UX class. NSS programs up until this class have been primarily focused on front-end and back-end development. As we start to expand our training beyond software development, we decided it was a priority to add a program especially for user interface and user experience design. Three students share their experience with our UI/UX class. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, News, UI/UX

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