Surviving a Long Job Search: Insights from Matt Kroeger
Nov 29, 2023
NSS Web Development Cohort 38 alum Matt Kroeger, recently shared his tips on staying resilient during a long job search - from combatting imposter syndrome to embracing the numbers game of applying for jobs to aggressive networking. Check out the the full blog for his insights from his own job search back in 2020! Read More

Topics: Alumni, Analytics + Data Science, Web Development, Software Engineering

Heroes of the Weeknights (And 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturdays)
Nov 20, 2023
We wrote a blog to highlight and show thanks to our 2023 Part-time instructors that continue to show up for their full-time jobs during the day and our part-time students at NSS. Check out the post as we say “thanks!” Read More

Topics: Learning, Community, UI/UX, Analytics + Data Science, Web Development, Software Engineering

Opportunities for Continued Learning | Alumni Spotlight
Sep 20, 2023
In our latest Alumni Spotlight, we're sharing Monica Weiss-Sharp's #NSSJourney from Animal Science to Data Engineering. 🐾🔍 Monica's story is a testament to the power of determination and continuous learning. She's now a Data Engineer, supporting a transition to the cloud and finding answers to new questions every day. Read More

Topics: Alumni, Analytics + Data Science

Data Analysis Gotchas! The Importance of Statistical Reasoning with Michael Holloway
Aug 22, 2023
Learn how statistical reasoning enables individuals to extract valuable insights from data, allowing them to make informed and evidence-based decisions while highlighting the data-driven approaches that have become crucial in various industries, from finance and healthcare to marketing and technology. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science

How to Use Your Resume
Jul 25, 2023
Level up your resume game with our latest blog post featuring NSS Software Engineer Program Manager, Kate Rogers! Whether you're a recent graduate ready to kickstart your career or someone looking for new opportunities, Kate offers practical advice to navigate the complexities of the job market and increase your chances of securing your next position. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science, Technology Insights, Web Development, Software Engineering

How Should We Integrate AI Tools into Learning?
Jul 19, 2023
While the media has sensationalized the AI phenomenon, creating some fear and uncertainty, we believe it's crucial to separate fact from fiction. We conducted a comprehensive survey among our NSS alumni to uncover their experiences with AI tools on the job. In this blog post, we dive into our alumni's perspective of whether, and possibly how, to integrate teaching of AI tools into our bootcamp programs. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science, Web Development, Software Engineering

How are software developers using AI tools?
Jul 18, 2023
While the media has sensationalized the AI phenomenon, creating some fear and uncertainty, we believe it's crucial to separate fact from fiction. We conducted a comprehensive survey among our NSS alumni to uncover their experiences with AI tools on the job. In this blog series, we dive into the impact of AI tools/tooling on software development from both a learning and job demand perspective. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science, Web Development, Software Engineering

Courageously Seeking Help
May 23, 2023
Learn why asking for help is not a sign of weakness but an indication of strength in our latest blog post as Senior Software Engineering instructor Andy Collins unravels the cultural factors behind this fear! Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science, Web Development, Software Engineering

Understanding Stress and What to Do About It
May 2, 2023
Stress is a subject every techie knows all too well, including our Data Program Manager, Ryan O’Connell! Ryan recently spoke to a group of Seekers at NSS about his insights and experience on managing stress through mindfulness and meditation. Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science, Web Development, Software Engineering

How Does the Phillips Curve Theory Hold Up Over Time? | Discovery Through Data
Apr 18, 2023
Learn how Jeffrey Reeve of DS6 analyzed the inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation in traditional Phillips Curve theory and whether the theory holds true in an examination of the broader economy Read More

Topics: Learning, Analytics + Data Science

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