John Wark

John started programming professionally at age 19. After a long and multifarious career in technology, he founded NSS in 2012. He believed that Nashville's technology talent shortage would never be solved by trying to import experienced developers from other cities or by waiting for colleges and universities to start graduating enough students and/or appropriately trained students. He also had faith that Nashville had an ample supply of motivated adults with latent aptitude who, if offered a chance, would eagerly pursue a career in technology.
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Recent Posts

Veterans No Longer Able To Use Their Educational Entitlements at NSS
Sep 8, 2021
An update on NSS's ability to accept the GI BillⓇ or other veterans entitlements. Read More

Topics: News

UGH COVID! | August COVID-19 Update
Aug 4, 2021
Given the current situation, we feel we have no viable choice but to delay in-person classes until at least January 2022. While we miss the in-person experience, we believe that we’re best off if we keeping all of our courses remote for a bit longer. Read More

Topics: News

NSS Celebrates 1,500 Graduates on 9th Anniversary
Jun 30, 2021
We tend to get a little nostalgic here at NSS every year when June rolls around, as it is NSS’s anniversary month, but this year, it’s been a bit more special this year as we hit a new milestone: 1500 graduates! 🎉 Read More

Topics: News, Community, 10 Years | 2000 Journeys

March Again? | COVID-19 UPDATE
Mar 22, 2021
March again? Already? Feels like we never left! In our latest COVID-19 update look back on what we have learned after a year online, and more importantly, look ahead to a more hopeful year. Read More

Topics: News

Has Nashville’s Tech Job Market Recovered From COVID-19?
Jan 28, 2021
Probably the most common question we get from adults considering a career upgrade or change is some variation of: “How many of your graduates get jobs?” COVID-19 and the resultant blow to the economy has only heightened interest in the answer to that question. We thought it would be useful to give an update on what our graduates are actually experiencing in the current local economy. Read More

Topics: News, Community

GI BillⓇ - New Admissions Restrictions Delayed
Dec 17, 2020
Great news! The changes to the VA's 85/15 rule were just delayed and are now scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2021. That means we're opening our bootcamps starting January through June 2021 back up to GI BillⓇ applicants. We are still pursuing a waiver to the new 85/15 rule with the VA, but this delay gives us more time to not only pursue that waiver but explore other ways to help veterans in Middle Tennessee. Read More

Topics: News

Year-end Update on COVID-19 and NSS's Plans To Return To In-person Classes
Dec 17, 2020
NSS will continue to be completely online and remote through at least the end of June 2021. We still believe July is an optimistic date for bringing classes back into the classroom full-time but it doesn’t feel completely unrealistic. Read More

Topics: News

Will We Continue Accepting So Many Students?
Nov 5, 2020
As we kicked off our Mind The Gap fundraising campaign and ramped up resources for our seekers, we’ve been asked why we didn’t reduce student numbers once we realized what the effects of the coronavirus would be. We’ve said in prior years that we never wanted to expand or grow faster than the growth in the local tech job market. So why didn’t we respond to the pandemic by cutting back on the number of NSS students, either by reducing class sizes or eliminating entire cohorts? Read More

Topics: Mind The Gap

COVID-19 Update: Remaining Remote Until at Least April 2021
Oct 15, 2020
NSS has decided to continue to deliver our classes online/remote until at least April 4, 2021. Based on what has transpired with the coronavirus in the last three months, we cannot see that it has become any safer for us to put 25 to 30 students and instructors in a single classroom. We hope that we’ll be able to get back together in-person sooner rather than later. But as we keep saying, it’s not going to happen until we believe we can keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible. Read More

Topics: News

NSS Announces Fellowship Program To Connect Employers With Graduates
Oct 15, 2020
We’re excited to announce our Fellowship Program that will connect employers with graduates for short-term projects. The Fellowship Program is designed to provide Seekers with a paid “apprenticeship” (small “a” - it’s not a Registered Apprenticeship program, but it serves the same end - real on-the-job experience). Read about how this program is designed to help our Seekers gain the experience as they seek their first jobs after graduation. Read More

Topics: Hiring?, News, Community

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