From Deployment to Development | Graduate Spotlight

May 13, 2020
Jessica Grande


MEET Michelle

Before starting her journey at Nashville Software School (NSS), Michelle Johnson of Web Development Cohort 36 was working on her MBA and serving with the Air National Guard as an Avionics Technician on C-130H Aircrafts. Michelle’s husband is an Android developer and introduced her to programming. When she showed an interest in learning to code, her husband suggested NSS. “I have always been a ‘fixer’ when it comes to solving problems,” Michelle notes. “And now I am learning to be a ‘fixer’ in the development of applications that can be useful to a user.” 

However, Michelle said she had to wait a bit before starting her journey. Between deployments she took NSS’ Web Development Jumpstart course and decided that it was the place for her once she got back.  


Michelle’s time at NSS was full of growth and, well, development, as she shares “The people I got to meet in my class made things easier and more fun.” She enjoyed connecting with her classmates and collaborating with them on ideas for her front-end capstone project. 

Capstone Projects

Comeuppance is Michelle’s front-end capstone project built for parents to help create a system that tracks children’s positive and negative behavior. Kids can try to earn positive points so they do not get punishment for bad behavior. By the end of the month, depending on how many points they have tracked using Comeuppance, the kids can either earn a reward or a punishment that they choose. Technologies used for this projects were React, JavaScript, npm, and Bootstrap,. “I definitely had fun with this [project],” she shares. “The cohort had fun with it, too. They helped add punishments and rewards for my kids and why [my kids] got points.” 

For her back-end capstone, Michelle created Steam Driven School (SDS), a project also inspired by her kids to help teachers in the STEAM programs to have a central location to save and share projects they do with their students. SDS was created using Django, Python, Bootstrap, Postman, TablePlus, and Cloudinary. “My kids go to a charter school that is a STEAM certified school, so it came to mind when I made somewhere for his teachers to put all their projects and share it between each other,” Michelle explains. The projects can be sorted by subject, grade and even what teacher assigned the project. 

HIRE Michelle

Michelle is continuing to learn through self-study and strengthening the skills she learned at NSS. She is excited to start a new career in either front-end or full stack web development. 

Learn more about Michelle by visiting her website or listening to her podcast

Check out all the recent grads on Web Development Cohort 36's class website and hear the graduates share their journey into development and their experience at NSS in their podcasts below.

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development