Introducing iOS Development Course
Dec 10, 2014
Beginning in January, we will offer an iOS Development class as the first installment in the new Professional Development Series aimed at those who are already working as software developers. iOS development is a great first class to kick off our series – almost all developers need to learn to build and deploy mobile apps and with Jamin Guy and Van Simmons we have the opportunity to work with two of the most knowledgeable and experienced developers on the Apple platform anywhere, not just in Nashville. Read More

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Evening Bootcamp Starts in January
Dec 8, 2014
We are excited to announce the launch of the first session of our Evening Developer Bootcamp. Some of you have been waiting for this for a long time. There has always been demand from the community here to provide a way for people that can’t quit their day jobs to have access to the training required to switch careers and become a web developer. Now there is a part-time, evening pathway to that career change. Read More

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NSS Featured on Course Report
Feb 6, 2014
The folks at Course Report have posted an interview with us about Nashville Software School. Course Report is a new site that is compiling information about coding bootcamps and related learning resources for code-learning movement. They were interested in what we were doing to attract under-represented groups to coding and why we had started as a non-profit. Read More

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New Tuition Option - Out-Of-Area Students Now Welcome!
Oct 31, 2013
We have introduced a new tuition option at Nashville Software School. For the first time, students have the option to fully pay in advance for our Web Developer Bootcamp. We have noticed significant demand from outside the Nashville area to attend our bootcamp; however, our original tuition option was tailored for local residents only. Read More

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Great Article on NSS in The Tennessean
Nov 13, 2012
The Tennessean ran a very nice story about Nashville Software School in this morning's edition in the business section. Solid overview of what we do at the school. Read More

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Hello World, NSS is Launching!
Jan 4, 2012
Coming over the next few days: the announcement of the Nashville Software School. Do you live in Middle Tennessee? Interested in learning to build great websites, software applications or mobile apps? Looking for a way to get both the technical knowledge as well as the real-world professional experience required to qualify for an entry-level position as a software developer? Then you will want to learn more about our program. Read More

Topics: News

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