Mandy Arola

Mandy has been following developers & tech companies at meetups since 2016. She is NSS’s chief content wrangler, a.k.a. marketing manager. When she’s not writing blogs, managing social media, pestering instructors & graduates for content, or attending meetups, you can find her traveling the world or at home with her beloved dog Lola.
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Recent Posts

UI & UX For Digital Product Design Course Is Back!
Feb 14, 2017
Nashville is a creative community. As you look around this vibrant city, you’ll find interactive digital in music, healthcare, transportation, education, entertainment, and publishing. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find an industry that does NOT have interactive digital products, environments, systems, or services. Three students share their experience with the UI & UX for Digital Product Design course. Read More

Topics: Student Stories, News, UI/UX

Graduate Spotlight | David, Dan & Elliott
Feb 8, 2017
One of the common threads that runs through these stories is the desire to learn and to have a career that is both challenging and fulfilling. The grads we feature in this week’s episode went to some extreme lengths to get there; leaving stable careers, putting in odd hours to make ends meet while in school, and working vigorously to learn new skills. Read More

Topics: Student Stories

NSS Students Attend Global Game Jam
Feb 7, 2017
In January, teams around the world gathered for the Global Game Jam, the world’s largest game jam (creation) event. The weekend allows developers, illustrators, musicians, voice actors, and creatives of all types to come together and create a game in just 48 hours. Read More

Topics: Student Stories