Axed Plans | Graduate Spotlight

Sep 23, 2021
Jessica Grande

Taryn Lytle of Full-time Web Development Cohort 47 at Nashville Softwares SchoolTaryn Lytle was general manager of a brand new axe throwing venue in Nashville. Like many other new businesses, the global pandemic “threw a wrench” into their plans so she decided it was time to consider an alternative career path. “Every day that goes by of learning reassures me that I have made the best possible decision for my future,” she smiles. 

What was your favorite capstone project and what about it made it your favorite?

“SwagSwap was my back-end capstone at NSS. My partner and I do what we can to live a sustainable lifestyle. I wanted to incorporate these values into my project. So I built an application that gives users the ability to trade their clothing with other like minded users in their area rather than just throw them out and buy new ones. Creating a full-stack application not only helped me understand the flow of the entire project but was one of the most gratifying things I have done in life.”

What was your favorite part of your NSS experience?

“The amazing, encouraging instructors and my fabulous classmates definitely made NSS an experience of a lifetime. I have never been so eager and grateful to learn from/with such a wonderful group of people.”

What advice would you give to current or incoming NSS Web Development students?

“Whatever you do, never give up. There will be times you are stuck and possibly will allow yourself to get down but the amazing instructors and your encouraging classmates are there to help for a reason. Ask for help with no hesitation, take breaks to clear your mind and you will succeed.” 


Since graduating, Taryn has begun her search for her first job in web development! “I have enjoyed building reliable, attentive teams and creating a positive environment for customers to enjoy,” she shares. “I am looking forward to combining my past experience with my new found skills in the technology world.” 

Get to know more about Taryn and her capstone projects by listening to her podcast below! Connect with Taryn by visiting her LinkedIn profile

Meet more of the graduates from Full-time Web Development Cohort 47 by visiting their class website!

Topics: Student Stories, Hiring?, Web Development