"Fast moving, critical thinking, and constantly improving."
Chip Hubbard of Full-time Data Analytics Cohort 3 shares that learning from years of lean manufacturing has taught him that there is always a better way to handle a process.
What roadblocks did you encounter along the way?
Your brain has a limit on how much knowledge you can take in and process within one day. Don't push beyond that or it will be wasted time. Make sure you take care of yourself physically so you can perform better mentally.
What advice would you give to current or incoming NSS Data students?
Make sure you understand how your teammates did their portion of the project. You will be expected to understand all elements when being hired, and so only understanding your portion of a project will not be enough. Just ask questions and have people explain their piece.
Listen to Chip's podcast to hear about his NSS experience and capstone project. Connect with Chip on his LinkedIn page.
Meet more of the graduates from Full-time Data Analytics Cohort 3 by visiting their class website!