Ruby/Rails Unit 2 Capstone projects

Nov 8, 2012
Eliza Brock Marcum

The Software Development Foundations with Ruby on Rails course is divided into 4 units, 2 each for Ruby and Rails.

The purpose of their Unit 2 capstone projects was to demonstrate mastery of Ruby. The requirements of the project was that it was to be developed using only standard-library Ruby and Test Driven Development.

The students presented their projects last week and it was fantastic seeing how much progress they’ve made in such a short period of time! (You can see the full list of projects with links to the github repositories below).

I took notes during their presentations. They mentioned the following resources as being especially helpful:

  • rubular
  • people (peers and mentors)
  • seeing the problem solving process that mentors use
  • the beginning ruby book (free online)
  • slideshare presentaitons
  • ruby docs
  • beginning ruby! (the book)
  • youtube videos
  • design patterns in ruby
  • cookbook

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