
Meet Dr. Teresa Vasquez | Full Stack Web Development Graduate

Written by Mandy Arola | Jun 5, 2019

Dr. Teresa Vasquez was a part of Web Development Cohort 21, a six month, full-time, full stack bootcamp. She graduated in January 2018. Before Nashville Software School (NSS), she had been laid off from her job as a web developer and was a stay-at-home mom. In this video, she shares about being Black in tech, Nashville Opportunity Tuition, and the NSS alumni community.

One of the greatest things that I have achieved from being here has nothing to do with my title, it nothing to do with the money, it has nothing to do with respect, it's that I found the confidence that I needed to be who I wanted to be and I found my voice at Nashville Software School.

Since this video was produced, Dr. Teresa Vasquez has moved to a new role. She is currently a Full Stack Software Engineer with Kindful.

Read: The Journey Through Coding Bootcamp | Reflections From Dr. Teresa Vasquez

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