
Nashville Software School Featured in cityCURRENT’s Virtual Non-profit Tour Series

Written by Mandy Arola | Aug 19, 2020

Last week we shined up the school, found a few surprise guests to set the scene, and invited our friends at eviCore Healthcare to join us in introducing NSS to cityCURRENT and their organizations that help Power The Good.

Take a behind-the-scenes look at NSS and learn what makes our learning experience different from traditional post-secondary education. After the tour you’ll hear from:

  • John Wark, NSS CEO & Founder, shares more about how NSS creates opportunities for adults to start a career in tech.
  • Caroline Brownlee, an alumna now working at eviCore, shares why she became a software developer and about her experience at NSS.
  • Rich Rader, Principle Engineer at eviCore, shares why he volunteers with NSS.
  • Andy Holt, Senior Manager, Engineering Talent Management, shares why eviCore works with NSS to hire junior software developers.