
Mission Transition | Graduate Spotlight

Written by Mandy Arola | Jul 16, 2019

Trevan has worked as a cybersecurity contractor and IT support for Microsoft Software Engineers since he left the Army. After working alongside software engineers and hearing friends who are developers share their experiences, he decided to shift his career in tech. “Being a programmer essentially allows you to work in almost any industry you want,” he explained. “Although the code may not change, where and who you code for is never stagnant.”

Trevan’s NSS Experience

Trevan chose NSS for several reasons. He liked that NSS’s web development bootcamp is twice as long compared to most bootcamps and costs about the same those programs. He also appreciated that “NSS seemed to care about job placement” and is respected in the Nashville tech community.

As a part of Cohort 30, his favorite part of his six-month experience was learning React. His biggest roadblock was learning programming syntax. “For whatever [reason,] this eluded me for the longest [time],” he shared.

He encourages current students to take time to rest, but continue to code on the weekends. That extra practice will help you solidify the concepts you’re learning.

Capstone Projects

After leaving the Army, Trevan felt that he was not equipped to find his next career. The GI Bill® benefits are helpful, but veterans struggle to find in-demand careers that they can enter quickly. His front-end capstone, Mission Transition, helps veterans by providing a list of in-demand, well-paying careers, and their related educational programs. He focused on careers that veterans could start with an Associates Degree or less to get them back to work faster. He built the app with JavaScript, React, and Reactstrap. His data is managed with JSON Server.

TechyJobs is his back-end capstone and helps job seekers keep track of leads during their job search. The mobile application lets users track the jobs they have applied to and contact information for recruiters and hiring managers they’re speaking with. He built the app with ASP.NET and C#. The data is managed with a SQL server running on Azure.


After graduation, Trevan continued to sharpen his skills with courses in React, MySQL, JavaScript, and C#. Keeping track of his job search with his app TechyJobs paid off quickly as he was hired shortly after Demo Day for a role in DevOps.

Learn more about Trevan’s experience at NSS and his capstones in his podcast and on his portfolio site.

Check out all the recent grads on Cohort 30’s class website and hear the graduates share their journey into development and their experience at NSS in their podcasts below.