
Cohort 17 Graduates With 21 New Developers

Written by Mandy Arola | May 24, 2017

On Friday we graduated 21 junior developers from Cohort 17. To showcase all that they’ve learned in six months at NSS, the graduates presented their front-end and back-end capstones to prospective employers one-on-one.

To help shake off some of the nerves prior to meeting with employers, graduates shared their capstones with students from Cohorts 18 and 19. Feeling energized from the pre-game activities, Cohort 17 settled back into their stations and had productive conversations with employers.

Capstone projects included an app that gives you restaurant suggestions based on your favorite or least favorite restaurant and Yelp reviews, an app that stores photos taken by a camera with motion detection, a self-help and affirmation forum for people who stutter, an app that filters doctors based on your zip code and insurance, and an app that searches all of the video streaming services to tell you where a TV show is available.

The Hackery was buzzing throughout the day as seen in our time-lapse videos on Facebook and Twitter. You’ll find more images from Demo Day in our photo gallery.

Graduates also had the opportunity to sit down with Clark Buckner to talk about their experience at NSS and their capstone projects. You can listen to their interviews below.

On their class website you’ll find links to the students’ GitHub, Linkedin, and personal websites.

To wrap up Demo Day, Cohort 17 came together for final words of wisdom from their instructor, Joe Shepherd, and NSS founder, John Wark. This class has grown close and we can’t wait to see the impact they make in the Nashville development community!