
Mentor Meetup For June's Graduating Classes

Written by John Wark | Apr 27, 2016

Join Us For Cinco De Mayo And Meet Our Upcoming Grads

The students of Day Cohort 12 and Evening Cohort 2 are almost ready to launch their careers as developers. One big thing that will help them power through the last few weeks of the bootcamp and the beginning of their job search is insight from folks already working as software engineers. If you are a software developer, even if you’ve only got a few months of experience, you can help our current students make their transition from student to working developer.

What does being a mentor entail? Our students have questions and need support in two broad areas - technical mentoring and career mentoring. Technical mentoring involves answering technical questions and helping students trouble-shoot code issues. This crop of grads is learning C# and .NET for server-side development so you’ll need to be somewhat familiar with that stack to be most helpful as a technical mentor.

If you’re interested in technical mentoring, particularly around C#/.NET, we ask that you meet with your mentee for 60-90 minutes weekly between now and graduation and as they work to secure their first development role. Students will provide the topics/questions for discussion. Additionally, we ask that you be available for ad-hoc questions via text, Slack, etc.

Career mentoring involves talking about issues such as types of developer jobs, possible career paths, how your organization on-boards junior developers, how to best prepare for tech interviews, etc. For career mentors we ask that you be prepared to meet with a mentee once or twice to share your experience in looking for and landing your first development role as well as advice on how to secure job leads, what to expect from a technical interview, etc… We also ask that you be available for ad-hoc questions.

Think that you don’t have time to mentor? Students will work around your schedule and travel to a location that is most convenient for you. If you have experience to share now’s the time to step up and share it.

Please help an NSS student with mentor support in the upcoming weeks. To meet our next crop of grads and help us celebrate Cinco de Mayo, join us from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 5th, at Nashville Software School’s new space located at 500 Interstate Blvd South, Suite 300, Nashville 37210.

Come mingle with NSS alumni and mentors, as well as developers who want to be mentors. Feel free to invite co-workers and friends to come along, too. We’d love to see you this Cinco De Mayo.

For more details about the event, and to RSVP, please go the the Eventbrite page for the event and let us know you’re coming. You wouldn’t want us to run out of beer and snacks would you?