
Danny Armstrong Web Development Cohort 50 | #MyNSSJourney

Written by Jessica Grande | Jan 10, 2024

Nashville Software School (NSS) alumni have a history of transforming their careers with the skills they learn during their bootcamps. In this Alumni Spotlight, we catch up with Danny Armstrong of Full-time Web Development Cohort 50 as he shares his NSS journey and the tips he shares with anyone looking to get into tech by attending NSS.  

Before NSS, Danny was working as a physical therapist assistant. Since graduating from Full-time Web Development Cohort 50 at NSS, Danny has grown as a developer at a startup. “I was given a lot of responsibility,” he explains. “Which for me, I really enjoyed because I got to learn a lot of things very quickly; a lot of different systems and a lot of different projects.”

The NSS Impact

“I think one of the most important things [during my time at NSS] was that we're able to create projects both individually and as a team,” Danny shares. “I think that is pretty much all you need to get going to start. There's a ton to learn and it just feels like a drop in the bucket, [but] I felt very prepared and very ready.”

No Tech Experience? No Problem!

Even if you don’t have a background in tech, Danny encourages those interested in a career in web development to try it out on a free website such as Codecademy. “I didn't have any experience in tech. I was working in health care! Most of my cohort [didn’t have] any tech experience,” he remembers. NSS also offers a low cost way to try out coding through our 3-week, introductory Jumpstart courses! The best part? $500 of your Jumpstart course goes towards an NSS bootcamp should you choose to apply! 

Thanks for sharing your NSS journey with us, Danny! We can’t wait to see how your career continues to grow.

Check out the video below to learn more about Danny and his NSS Journey!

Are you or someone you know considering a career in the  tech field? Start your NSS journey by checking out our upcoming programs!