
Building on Experience | Graduate Spotlight

Written by Jessica Grande | Jul 11, 2022

In his three years as a database analyst in radiology, Ross Kimberlin of Data Science Cohort 5 tried to answer questions for both his own tech teams and users from other business departments of the company he worked for. “Nashville Software School (NSS) had been on my radar for a long time because I was friends with some people that had jumped into some of the first web development cohorts years ago,” he recalls in his podcast. “ [Attending the Data Science Bootcamp at NSS] would let me build on the experience I already had and let me to leverage it into something more specialized and interesting.” 

What was your favorite part of your NSS experience?

“My favorite part of the class was seeing my colleagues’ projects and code. They gave me a great example to rise up to and were working on all kinds of fascinating things.”

What was the topic of your capstone and how did you choose it?

“I have always liked old things—old documents, old letters, old typography, old maps, etc. The world is full of old handwritten documents that give us a priceless connection to history. However, they tend to be tucked away in libraries that do not circulate them for fear that they will get damaged. If we could scan these documents, put them online, and then automate a lot of the transcription and translation, it would be a massive gain for collaborative research and cultural literacy across languages and borders.”

​​What advice would you give to current or incoming NSS Students? 

“I wish I had been more proactive and aggressive about scheduling extra time with my instructors. It is not always easy for me to ask for help. I was worried that I wasn’t good enough if I couldn’t figure everything out myself. Toward the end of the class, I found that spending more extra time with my instructors helped me improve faster, and that they were happy that I was showing more interest. I wish I had settled into this sooner. “


Since graduating, Ross is excited to build on the skills he gained at NSS while he searches for his first job outside of bootcamp! Get to know more about Ross’s NSS experience by listening to his podcast below! 

Nashville Software School · Ross Kimberlin - Data Science Cohort 5

Meet more of the graduates from Part-time Data Science Cohort 5 by visiting their class website!