
Don’t Give In To Imposter Syndrome | Graduate Spotlight

Written by Jessica Grande | Sep 29, 2021

After years of retail and warehouse work, Nick Patton of Full-time Web Development Cohort 47 had what he calls a “mid-pandemic realization” that he owed it to himself to pursue a career that fueled his passion for creativity. “I have always been interested in technology, so software seemed like a natural fit, and I haven't looked back,” he shares.

What was your favorite capstone project and what about it made it your favorite?

“My full-stack capstone Archive Obscura. It was really fun to combine my back-end skills with the front-end, and display art that means a lot to me.” 

What advice would you give to current or incoming NSS Web Development students?

“Don't give in to imposter syndrome. No matter how much you feel like you're lacking, you're still a developer.”

What was your favorite part of your NSS experience?

“I loved getting to tackle problems with my peers. When you're developing a new skill, and you're bouncing ideas off of other curious minds, it really creates an exciting environment to learn in.”


Since graduating, Nick has accepted his first job in tech as a web developer - congratulations, Nick! Get to know more about Nick and his NSS experience by listening to his podcast below! Connect with Nick by visiting his LinkedIn profile

Nashville Software School · Nicholas Patton - Web Development

Meet more of the graduates from Full-time Web Development Cohort 47 by visiting their class website