
Leveraging Data Science to Improve Healthcare | Graduate Spotlight

Written by Jessica Grande | Jul 1, 2021

Throughout her academic career, Armelle Le Guelte of Data Science Cohort 4 had been working with all kinds of data; collecting, applying statistical methods, analyzing and presenting it at national and international conferences. 

Although she enjoyed her research, she became more and more interested in the information within the data she was working with and what else could be done with it when she took the Data Science Essentials class taught by Nashville Software School (NSS) through Vanderbilt School of Medicine’s Office of Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET).  After encouragement from her instructor, she made the leap to the Data Science bootcamp at NSS . “In September 2020, I started to actively pursue a career in data science and I’m looking forward to leveraging my knowledge with data science to improve healthcare,” she shares. 

How did you choose the topic for your capstone project?

“I wanted to get more experience in NLP since I want to work in healthcare. I'm interested in people's opinions on COVID-19 vaccines. Social media is a valuable source of public feedback and I used Tweets for this project. While in the USA vaccination rate is very promising, this is not the case in France which is known to be the most vaccine-skeptical nation in the world. I decided to perform a sentiment analysis on both countries.” 

What advice would you give to future NSS data science students?

“Enjoy the Bootcamp but take it very seriously. Keep in mind this will be the only activity you will have for the next 9 months besides your job.”

What was your favorite part of your NSS experience?

“Learning about NLP and machine learning!”


Since graduating, Armelle has embarked on the search for her first job in data science! Listen to Armelle's podcast to hear about her NSS experience and capstone project. Connect with Armelle by visiting her LinkedIn profile. 

Nashville Software School · Armelle Le Guelte - Data Science

Meet more of the graduates from Data Science Cohort 4 by visiting their class website