
Data Science Cohort 4 Gives “The Best Presentation I've Ever Seen”

Written by Jessica Grande | Mar 17, 2021
Last night, I had the extreme privilege of getting to see a group of seventeen budding Data Scientists give the best presentation I've ever seen.

High praise from Mikil Taylor, VP of Analytics at Healthcare Bluebook, on LinkedIn speaking of the presentation he witnessed last week given by Nashville Software School’s Data Science Cohort 4. Read Mikil’s article highlighting his delight over the results of their presentation.

...Simply one of the most compelling data stories I've ever seen.

Tasked with using the Hop Teaming Referral Dataset to identify doctors who saw a lot of patients, but didn't share many with the biggest local hospital systems, the cohort excelled in their mock consulting project. By creatively organizing their findings, they successfully explained the data in a way that allows anyone watching the presentation to understand. Interact directly with the data from their presentation here.

Watch Data Science Cohort 4’s compelling data story in the recording of their presentation.